We're Looking for Talent - Spring enrollment at Microsoft Partner Program

    Many Habrovsk citizens know about the status of MVP (Most Valuable Professional) for technology experts, but Microsoft has a similar status for students - MSP (Microsoft Student Partner) . This spring, until April 17, Russian students and graduate students have the opportunity to compete for this honorary title!

    What is an MSP program?

    This is a form of cooperation with Microsoft when a student (graduate student) becomes a representative of the corporation at his university. MSP are the most talented and active students (graduate students) from around the world, passionate about technology. Instead of participating in exciting activities at the university and transferring their knowledge to other students, MSPs receive many advantages, as well as the opportunity to gain real experience and make their resume attractive .

    Who are we looking for?

    An “ideal candidate” should have the skills of time management, organization of events and excellent communication skills for events at his university. The candidate must have the skills of public speaking, be able to take the initiative and work in a team. An integral part of the tasks of MSP is the development of an online community (maintaining your own blog, recording podcasts, videos). However, we are not looking for "ideal candidates." We need enthusiasts with a twinkle in their eyes who want to change this world!

    Why become an MSP?

    In addition to all the benefits that the program provides to partner students (see below), this status is honorable for any student in the world. The MSP program allows you to get the most information about Microsoft tools and technologies, acquire new skills and get a good start when you graduate and become part of the IT industry.

    Here are just some of the "graduates" of the Russian MSP program:
    • Mikhail Chernomordikov and Konstantin Kichinsky (Microsoft Evangelists),
    • Danila Kornev (Google Evangelist),
    • Konstantin Kalugin (researcher at the joint laboratory of Moscow State University - Microsoft Research),
    • Sergey Pugachev (MVP Silverlight, founder of the Silverlighter.ru community),
    • Vitaliy Kuznetsov (MVP Windows Live),
    • Ilya Grebnov (winner of the Imagine Cup 2009),
    • Kirill Tropin and Dmitry Alekseenko (Microsoft developers in Redmond).

    What do MSP get?

    Initially, new students join the program in the status of MSP Volunteer and receive:
    • The ability to communicate within the community of student partners from all over Russia on a special closed portal
    • Microsoft technology information in electronic and book form for continuing education
    • Support for organizing events at the university (souvenirs, materials, books)
    • Opportunity to participate in Microsoft conferences as well as exclusive events for partner students
    • MSDN Premium Subscription
    • Welcome kit (a set of products that allows you to be proud of the MSP brand)
    • Technology Resources and Trainings
    • Communicating with MVP and Microsoft
    • Information about new products before their official release.
    • Priority information on internships and vacancies both in Russian Microsoft and abroad (including at headquarters in Redmond). When applying for a job or internship, all MSPs have benefits .
    The most active participants in the program, who successfully develop Microsoft technology promotion activities at the university, receive MSP status , and the most active - MSP Guru .

    What should MSP do?

    • Maximize the use of acquired knowledge about Microsoft products and technologies in their educational and research activities . Learning lag may be the reason for the termination of partnerships.
    • To assist students and faculty with the use of Microsoft products in the learning process.
    • Organize a student user group or workshop.
    • To assist Microsoft in organizing events at its university and in supporting the MSDN Academic Alliance program.
    • Participate in the Microsoft Student Partners community .
    • To spread their knowledge of Microsoft technologies among peers both in person, speaking at events, participating in online communities and sharing their knowledge on the Internet; attract students to participate in Microsoft events (Imagine Cup, events at the university, etc.). In this case, it is necessary to comply with the terms of the non-disclosure agreement of confidential information that all MSPs sign upon entering the program.
    • Keep in touch with the Microsoft Academic Program Coordinator , report on events and get help and support on time.

    What is needed to get MSP status?

    • Full -time study at a Russian university (including graduate school), while it is highly desirable that at least 1-2 years are left until the end of training.
    • Have at least good academic performance.
    • Know the core technologies of Microsoft, or have the desire to know them as deep as possible in a short time.
    • Have the opportunity to devote at least 4 hours a week to working with Microsoft (8 hours a week - for students with MSP Guru status).
    • Be friendly with Microsoft.
    • Do not be afraid of organizational work.
    • Do not be afraid of communication in Russian and English.
    • It is also useful to get a passport in advance just in case.
    To apply for participation in the program it is necessary until April 17:

    1. Record and upload to YouTube a video with a duration of 180 seconds in which you will talk about technology that keeps you awake at night, which you are really looking forward to or are using all the time right now. We are very interested to know what it is!
    2. Fill in the application form at dreamspark-academy and indicate in it a link to your video .

    On April 17, we will summarize the selection and within a few days we will report the result to all candidates. Good luck!

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