Invitations to closed foreign trackers of educational topics

    Knowledge itself is power
    "Knowledge is power". Francis Bacon.
    “May the Force be with you.” Obi-Wan Kenobi

    So, the captain reminds me that the calendar is September 1st. Today, in many CIS countries, the Day of Knowledge is celebrated. This marks the beginning of the school year for pupils, students, students, teachers and teachers. After a long vacation, schoolchildren go to schools, students to universities, and other working people still continue to sit in stuffy offices under fluorescent lights :). The fact is that high-quality training material is not always available for various reasons. Therefore, today in honor of the Knowledge Day, I decided to make a festive distribution of invites to foreign trackers. You can get an idea of ​​them from my article - An Overview of e-Learning Trackers or Century Live - Century Learn!. The materials on all trackers are mostly in English.
    Who cares - welcome to cat.

    There are invitations to LearnBits (many), BitSpyder (10), eBookVortex (5), MyAnonaMouse (5).
    Write to which tracker is required, only to whom it really is necessary (and not so that it is), I will send it to Habrahta According to the experience of the last distribution - a third of those invited from the hub to BitSpyder were banned for a low rating. Therefore, please take this seriously and with understanding. BitSpyder accepts requests from people with karma> = 5.

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