fheroes2 - Open Source engine Heroes of Might and Magic II

    free heroes2 - free version of the Heroes of Might and Magic II engine. It was written using SDL by a Russian (seemingly) programmer. There are ports on Windows, Linux, WM, WinCE, Dingoo a320 , Cowon V5 ... well, almost everywhere. Everyone who wants to know more - under the cut

    First you need to download the binary from the site if you have Windows or WinCE. If you use Linux, then download the source from the same site or take the latest revision from SVN: there are no ready-made packages on the site. Compiling the Linux version did not cause any particular problems. But this is not enough: you still need the original files of the game Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars (required English version). They are easily searched in google. We throw the heroes2.agg file into the data folder, and the * .mp2 maps, respectively, in maps. In the fheroes2.cfg file, you can set the desired permission, enable Unicode support (if we want to play the Russian version (we help with the translation)) and much more.


    All is ready. We call friends to play at one computer or set up a network. I haven’t tried a game on the Internet yet, I don’t have anyone, and I’m playing on the same computer, hot seat, it’s more old-school)) The campaign mode is, unfortunately, still in development, maybe someday they’ll finish it. But you can play on a single map with AI.


    If you wish, you can add music and sounds in * .ogg format for better sound quality, but even so it plays very well.

    Support for the great and powerful in the game (only dialogs and signatures):

    As well as small screens of mobile devices:

    I wish you a pleasant retrogaming!

    PS: there is still a Heroes of Might and Magic III port - OpenHoMM , but the project is in a suspended state, and fheroes2 develops quite actively to this day.

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