Corporate website

    When it comes to creating a corporate website, most tend to think that the latest company news, general orders, and a list of employees will be presented there. What is in demand inside the company.
    And as a result, we have a standard design, usually a three-column one, with a boring list of instructions, rules, official news. And, as a result, employees will only come to this site when it will be necessary to clarify the telephone number of a specific department, or to find out the date of exit from the vacation of a neighbor in the office.
    And let's imagine a completely crazy structure. In web style, two zero, as they say. And the news headlines match them.
    - The general gave a headwash to the head of the transport department! Watch online!
    -Moonie goes on maternity again! Who's guilty? Own investigation!
    -Touched the rules of coming to work! How not to lose the prize! Advice from experienced staff.
    Well and so on. And if you also connect the internal blogosphere or social network there?
    - The director and the personnel department are now not friends ...
    -Vasya Pupkin joined the group “Break away for the weekend”.
    Here! Now we feel the common team, everyone knows everything, all one family.
    But the purpose of the corporate website is precisely this. To unite employees and convey information to them. And now it’s no longer possible not to read the new order or the news about the change of schedule.
    It is curious, after all, who is to blame for Lyudochka ...

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