Fresh breath of air for Ubuntu

    Hooray, habratovrishchi!

    New Ubuntu logo

    After so many years of idleness , the Canonical design team in conjunction with the Art community finally presented their vision of developing the company's main brand, our almost beloved Ubuntu!

    The changes affected literally all areas of the product’s life: the basic principles of the brand’s existence, logos, themes, etc.

    You can take a look at the wiki page (carefully, english). A modest translation under habrakat.

    Excerpts from the wiki page

    “Ubuntu’s new style is based on the theme of Lightness. We (a team of designers, translator's note) developed a conceptual set of visual principles and guidelines that reflect the idea of ​​style, and introduced updates to key objects, such as, for example, logos. The new theme will be used starting with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and will determine the appearance and spirit of the system for the next few years. ”

    "... In 2009, a small team led by Mark Shuttleworth reviewed the brand’s core values. Based on this work, a set of visual enhancements was prepared that was agreed and approved after discussion and refinement with key members of the Ubuntu Art community. The results of this work are presented here.

    Brand values

    Key values ​​of the Ubuntu project that we believe in:
    • Accuracy. We provide high-quality software, and we prepare it according to an exact schedule. Our Debian legacy means that the individual components of our platform are specifically defined and clearly organized. There are no excesses, redundancies or unacceptable losses for us in Ubuntu. We are a community that works for a prepared product.
    • Reliability. We are developing Ubuntu for serious use. It doesn’t matter whether it is a workstation or work in the cloud, we care that Ubuntu is safe, reliable and predictable. The supplied updates for Ubuntu are rigorously tested. In the event of an error, we carefully study it, correct it and do everything so that it does not happen again.
    • Cooperation. Ubuntu is the result of the collaboration of thousands of people. These are tens of thousands of free software developers who work on individual components or their combination in Debian. We are ready to provide support for everyone who wishes to participate in the development ... and we welcome the contribution of both individual companies and individuals. Our management system confirms with its work that its participation, leadership and problem solving is based on proven treasures in the overall work, and not corporate employment.
    • Liberty. We strive to provide the best free software platform. Our primary goal is to accelerate the adoption and distribution of free software to make it the de facto standard. We highly appreciate the work of various groups who prefer to use open licensing in joint development. At the same time, we also use a pragmatic approach to business: we propose using proprietary drivers when we believe that they are a prerequisite for the best PC performance. We want people to love and value free software

    And despite the changes in our brand, freedoms and rights remained inviolable: our global community will have constant access to the resources that are necessary to create and strengthen the key symbols of the brand. We will provide new fonts, images, as well as a set of recommendations along with T-shirts and other needs of our society. As before, we will protect the integrity of the Ubuntu brand and the policies of Ubuntu as a trademark. "

    These are the news. As for me, it's so wonderful! What do you think,% username%?

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