Press conference of the IT’shnikov delegation on February 18 (heads of eBay, Cisco, Twitter)

    imageMy colleague Vitaly does not have an account on Habré and he asked me to post material about the press conference, where he managed to visit. So:

    For many, the arrival of such significant figures in the global IT business was a complete surprise. "Great and terrible" arrived yesterday (February 17). In general, apart from the information from the US State Department press release about the visit (and the purpose of the visit), nothing was known. The press conference held today at VGTRK at 14-00 was to shed light on this matter.
    As you probably already understood, I visited it and I hasten to share with you% username% impressions and photos.

    The press conference began about an hour late. An interesting point - because of traffic jams, it was very difficult to drive up to the VGTRK building and the heads of well-known companies and Ashton Kutcher (Kucher) reached him on foot.


    Before starting, the photo shows the creator of Twitter - Jack Dorsey (Jack Dorsey).


    And this is John Donahoe from John eBay looking directly at me :)

    So, the beginning. The composition is as follows.
    Jared Cohen from the US State Department - on the left; Howard Solomon from the National Security Council (yep, everything is under control;)) - on the right.
    Padmasree Warrior from Cisco (Tech Director!)

    Well, will we chop Molotok?

    Ashton appeared a little later.


    Since the conference started late, it was announced that it would be short-lived.
    And so it happened. The first questions were addressed to John Donahue. "Do eBay plan to expand to Russia and how soon will appear?" The answer was “Yes, we are planning. But in the near future it will be only preparatory work in this direction. ”

    Then very strange questions followed, most of which went to world movie star Ashton Kutcher (Dada, most of the journalists came precisely because of him).
    There were questions from the category - do you like Russia? What do you write on your blog about Russia (as LifeNews journalist said, “What do you write on the #RusTechDel platform?”) Do you plan to study Russian? Etc. And here they say that everything, two more questions and the end. The penultimate one about e-government - with the answer that we will help in this matter. The latter is again Ashton in the spirit of the previous ones. Moreover, in the answers he emphasized the problem of combating trafficking in persons, about offenses and so on.

    Bottom line: there was nothing interesting there, unfortunately. The stars of the IT industry were eclipsed by a Hollywood actor.
    After completion, I asked Jack Dorsey about the Russification of Twitter - he replied that it was in the plan.

    PS Large-size photos will also be (if necessary)

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