"DamNaVremya.ru" - Social rental service


    Dear Habra users!

    In the middle of summer 2010, work began on the development of a unique service “DamNaVremya.ru” on the Russian Internet market ( http://damnavremya.ru ). The service is designed to fill an empty niche of such a promising direction as organizing a rental system for any items between service users, with which they can not only rent any item without buying it, but also earn money by renting their items.

    The mechanism of the service is simple: any user registered at DamNaVremya.ru receives a personal account at his disposal, where he can upload an unlimited number of rental items (“lots”). At the same time, the user gets a powerful platform for promoting their lots with the help of DamNaVremya.ru internal services.

    For those who are looking for a rental item, the service provides a search system for their lot database and a convenient transaction system - “Fair Play”.

    The DamNaVremya.ru monetization model is simple: a service can act as an agent when making lease transactions, withholding payment and a security deposit (if any) on the transaction until the parties completely fulfill their obligations (until the thing is returned to the owner). For its services, the service takes 10 percent of the transaction amount. Thus, the user who has found a tenant for his thing, receives all the necessary documents and instructions for the transaction, as well as the direct arbiter in the person of the site, which stores all the information on the tenant on their servers. The lessee pays for the rental of the lot directly through the internal financial system of the DamNaVremya.ru service, thereby ensuring the transparency of financial settlements and fixing the fact of the transaction.

    Sergey Zadoyany, known on the network under the pseudonym Sergey Znamensky, the founder of DamNaVremya.ru, says of his service as follows: “The niche for renting things that are rented by ordinary people, the so-called“ social rental ”, is practically not covered on the Internet. Those services that offer such a service only act as an aggregator of scattered messages about the possibility of renting something; these services do not provide people who want to rent their things with neither convenient functionality nor any guarantees for the transaction. We, on the contrary, want to create a service that is as convenient as possible for both lessors and tenants; service providing transparency of the transaction at all its stages. “DamNaVremya.ru” will provide the parties to the agreement, which they will have to sign during the transaction, give instructions, fix all stages of the transaction. If necessary, the DamNaVremya.ru service may act as an arbitrator in resolving disputes arising between the parties. Of course, no one is able to protect themselves from unscrupulous users as much as possible, but strict verification of users and the provision of their personal data by them can serve as a good guarantee of honesty between the parties. Of course, such guarantees will only work for those users who will also be as open as possible for us. ” but strict verification of users and the provision of their personal data by them can serve as a good guarantee of honesty between the parties. Of course, such guarantees will only work for those users who will also be as open as possible for us. ” but strict verification of users and the provision of their personal data by them can serve as a good guarantee of honesty between the parties. Of course, such guarantees will only work for those users who will also be as open as possible for us. ”

    Victor Yurov, technical director of DamNaVremya.ru: “The service DamNaVremya.ru” is created with the aim of combining offers to rent certain items in one place. The main advantage of the service is the maximum transparency of the transaction between the lessee and the lessor. The service is absolutely free for all authorized users. The main features of the service can be called the most convenient system for searching lots, user rating system, convenient and functional interface. A special scheme of work is provided with legal entities, which will allow companies that offer a large number of rental items to cooperate with the service on the most favorable conditions. ”

    Now the service is available at http://damnavremya.ruin the mode of subscription to the notification of opening. Interested parties who want to be the first to try the service in action should leave their email address in the appropriate field on the stub page. At the time of the official launch of the DamNaVremya.ru service, they will receive personal invitations.

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