Why is the “Project at Percentage” a failure?

    Freelancers, and not only often came across a proposal to work at a percentage. And already subconsciously, the overwhelming majority of us are aware that these projects are a failure.
    But one wants to believe, to figure out - why so , and what to do to “not so”. I propose to do this immediately, so ...
    Why "Project at a percentage" is a failure. First of all, I would single out distrust . Distrust plays a very important role in any cooperation and partnership - there is none, there is neither cooperation nor partnership. But distrust did not come from the air, it is based solely on statistics. There is no official statistics on this topic, but there is a collective opinion on the topic and most of us have it - many who tried to work this way, but nothing came of it, or it came out of units.
    And here we miss one important detail - most of the projects did not fail, but simply were not brought to the beta stage. It seems that we are already closer to the conclusions on the issue. But far away.
    I talked with many "startups" in a similar topic, and with their performers, or grammars - co-founders. As a result, I highlighted 4 more errors: [there is a cut, there are a lot of letters :)]
    1. The absence of a complete command.
    Often the same programmer, carries the burden of a designer, a spinner - a manager, and so on. It's not a question. If this is, for example, a startup on the Internet, then at least the people responsible for programming, layout, design, promotion are needed. As a rule - a programmer, layout designer, designer and seo-specialist. In addition, greed (Work alone, get more) leads only to more errors, incompetent assessment of the result, and so on.
    2. Inadequate project management.
    Do it, I don’t know how. It is impossible to realize - think up. This is one example. As a rule, here you can consider the commanding tone in management (And you are potentially co-founders), vesting unprofessional duties (Drawing a design for a programmer, for example) and so on. Until the search for the first, illiterate developers or thieves of ideas.
    3. The lack of a clear technical specification, frequent edits.
    It’s good when there is a final technical task. Worse when you make edits and do it often. Worse when there is no technical task. No need to be lazy, do a normal technical task. And it is desirable to make it in the presence of potential co-founders, immediately assessing the possibilities. And, of course, no parallel edits. Better to do beta, and then follow the improvements. Otherwise, a failure.
    4. The absence of business plans and marketing research.
    This is the main problem. They made a project, but how to get the money is unknown, or the amounts are incommensurable with the costs (albeit temporary) for development and so on. How can one do business without this? But mostly most of the projects are done without them. Needed - a business plan. And it should be done on the basis of marketing research. This is confidence in the future, transparency of potential revenues and the absence of silly questions from developers, in management and so on and so forth.
    Recipe: Start with marketing research ideas. Spend at least 2 days to work in this direction. Create a business plan. Podromny, and not optimistic (though more important. It is better to get more than planned) but pessimistic. Start looking for like-minded specialists. When you found those you are sure of. Start together on the basis of the plan (Or prepare a "skeleton in advance") to write a technical task. And then - already individually. And preferably, according to my essay. Do not step on the rake, especially 2-3 times! The project at a percentage (for interest) is a reality!

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