Yota among the candidates for the Mobile Excellence Awards 2009

3 new nominations were added to the collection of our awards, and we hope that some of them will become full-fledged awards.
The organizers of the Mobile Excellence Awards announced the names of this year's finalists at a gala ceremony in San Diego on October 7th. All those included in the list move to the next selection round, according to the results of which on December 7, 2009 the winner in each nomination will be announced.
Yota has become a contender for the awards in the nominations “Best International Mobile Company”, “Best Mobile Service Provider Company” and “Best Mobile Music Application”. The award nominees included industry leaders such as Virgin Mobile USA, DirecTV, T-Mobile, Verizon Wireless, Sony and others.
The Mobile Excellence Awards, organized by Little Monster Media, is organized to cover all the trends of the mobile industry and to promote the best companies in the field of mobile communications, technology and entertainment, including media technology, films, television, music, games, advertising.