Overview of twitter clients for Java2ME

    I post here a post prepared by my friend - Hosco , unfortunately he is not registered here yet, but would be very glad to join the HabraHabr community. An invite email is published at the end of the article.



    More recently, I first got acquainted with Twitter , came across one of the “incriminating” articles in LiveJournal and wanted to try it. Like many newcomers quickly got hooked and sometimes I can not tear myself away, digging deeper and deeper into the discussion chains :) The most important advantage of this resource, in my opinion, is its API and, in this regard, a huge number of all kinds of clients for many platforms. For myself, I chose the excellent Gravity software , in my humble opinion, the best client for Symbian. But not all my friends have smartphones, and so there was a need to find a worthy client for Java2ME, which I was puzzled with.


    1. Mobi Twitter
    2. jTwitter
    3. Twittai
    4. Jibjib
    5. Tinytwitter
    6. Twibble
    7. Twim
    8. Twitteresce
    9. TwitterGPS
    10. uTweetMe

    As a bonus:

    Go! ©

    1. Mobi Twitter
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    The application of the Canadian company Cascada Mobile. There is some GUI, mainly in the form of a background (with a logo) and a graphical menu. Not demanding on resources, good speed, no brakes, but given the meager feature set it could have weighed less (272 Kb). The timeline is presented in plain text (no manipulation in the timeline field is allowed, the nickname and time of sending the tweet are highlighted in blue, see screenshot). Settings are absent as a class, if the username and password are not considered as such (the password is stored in the clear, even cannot be closed with asterisks). You can only read and post. Retweet, follow / unfollow, DM and Reply (!) Are missing.
    Home: www.breezeapps.com/applications/view/?a=/MTWITTER/74573/133

    2. jTwitter
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    A very simple application, the graphics interface is missing as such (with the exception of splashscreen and boot animation). From the settings there are only 2 points, whether to remember the login and which timeline to show at startup. The number of functions and the lack of an interface justifies the size of only 35 Kb. Timeline in the form of text (tweets strictly in one line, see the screenshot), it is possible to navigate by selecting one or another tweet. When you click on a tweet, the full text of the message with the user’s user opens. You can only read and post. Retweet, follow / unfollow, DM and Reply (!) Are missing. If you accidentally exit the menu, then you can’t go back anymore, just re-login. There is an opportunity to see a list of those you follow, from the list you can open the timeline of each. There are numerous glitches.

    3. Twittai
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    The first is quite a full-fledged client. There is some GUI (there are even effects a la OperaMini) and an almost complete set of necessary Twitter functions. The timeline is already more similar to the original Web, except for userpics (see screenshot), you can navigate through tweets, a user’s timeline will leave by clicking on the message (in the upper right corner the userpic). Reading, posts, retweets, follow / unfollow, DM and Reply are fully present, and it is also possible to add to your favorites, watch user’s friends, profiles, watch your friends / followers. Of the settings, only font manipulation and cache clearing. Last update more than a year ago, the project seems to be abandoned.
    Home: www.twittai.com

    4. JibJib
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    There is no graphical interface at all, on first impressions it is similar to jTwitter, but unlike its brother it has much more functions and settings. There are no userpics, in any representation, a timeline in the form of text with tweets in one line (see screenshot). You can navigate through the timeline, by clicking on the tweet the full text appears with the Reply and Toggle Favorite options. You can read, post and respond, DM only in viewing mode, follow / unfollow is absent, you can see the timeline of a single user. There is no such thing as a “Back”, all navigation is accompanied by a full reload. In the settings, you can specify the length of timelines, startscreen, as well as gateway. The last beta was May 5, 2009.
    Home: jibjib.org

    5. TinyTwitter
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    Finally, a full timeline with userpics, but the tweets are still on the same line. You can navigate through the timeline, by clicking on a tweet a pop-up window appears with the full text and one single “Ok” function. For some reason, the settings are not in one place, but scattered around the menu, you can customize the fonts, the time it takes to update the timelines, as well as some UI features (userpics on / off, sound notification). You can read, post, reply, follow links from tweets, DM only in viewing mode. It is possible to see the timeline of the selected user. All the time, something loads and unloads, for the same reason it closes for a long time. The last beta was in March 2009.
    Home: www.tinytwitter.com

    6. Twibble
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    One of the most sophisticated customers, there is almost everything. Full timeline (userpics, tweets in full), normal navigation (everything is intuitive, joystick navigation, a full set of hot keys). There is GPS support (you can set your location, see the user's location, if installed). The complete set of all the necessary Twitter functions: tweet (you can do it from the browser), retweet, reply, DM, follow / unfollow, favorites, searches. Own interface, themes support. A good set of settings: update frequency, notification methods, gateway, userpics on / off, templates (text for tweets). All this charm is only 106 Kb and works quite fast. Last update at the beginning of May 2009
    Home: www.twibble.de (they also have a client for desktop on Adobe Air)

    7. Twim
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    There is a GUI, a funny balloon timeline (see screenshot), but there are no userpics. You can navigate through the timeline, by clicking on a tweet a menu with possible actions appears. The main functions are present: tweet, reply, retweet, DM, favorites, no search. You can open a separate tweet in the browser, it is possible to upload photos (directly from the camera, or already saved, services: yfrog, TwitPic, Twitgoo). There are no settings. Last updated May 2009
    Home: www.substanceofcode.com

    8. Twitteresce
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    There is no GUI, practically a clone of jTwitter and JibJib combined (although, judging by the dates, the opposite is true). I could not connect, assuring me that at the moment Twitter is not available. Judging by the menu, you can post (delete), read and browse DM, this is where the functions end. There are a couple of settings items: which timeline to display and the update period. Last update in November 2007, the project was abandoned.
    Home: wiki.github.com/madpilot/twitteresce

    9. TwitterGPS
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    The name speaks for itself. You can post and read, post in two versions: with and without coordinates, tweeting functions end there. There are some settings, for GPS and separately for Twitter (refresh rate, fonts), everything is very neat. Able to open links from tweets. Does not understand the Cyrillic alphabet (see screenshot). Last updated June 23, 2009
    Home: www.getjar.com/products/16595/TwitterGPS

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    Cute Tango Icons, the strange name of the menu items for the Twitter client, is more like an email program. Timeline in the form of text with notes about reading (mass notes / unmarking are possible), tweets are not completely visible. You can navigate through the timeline, by clicking on the tweet the full text opens. The main functions are present: tweet, reply, retweet, DM, no search and favorites. It is possible to save the selected tweet as a template (you can, of course, create your own templates). Opens links from tweets. There are no settings, despite the presence of this menu item. Last update in June 2009, the project is actively developing.
    Home: utweetme.navetke.ru

    That's all that I managed to find from highly specialized clients, all sorts of combines like IM monsters Nimbuzz, Fring and applications like “2GO” I didn’t consider for the purity of the experiment (there’s still Jargong , but there’s a jump there for a long time, yes and the project seems to be abandoned). And as a promised bonus, I want to show you a small alternative, these are aggregators (also in Java2ME) and FlashLite, all this also works on regular phones.

    1. Snaptu
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    Aggregator is a container application where you can add / remove various applications available from the manufacturer. I must say right away that in this aggregator the best Twitter client for Java2ME (nothing prevents you from leaving it alone) :) Look at the second screenshot, a beautiful and, most importantly, convenient time-lapse, smooth scrolling (very similar to Gravity ) and thoughtful navigation. There is a complete set of all necessary functions (there are even groups (!) And a preview of the pictures). I recommend :)
    Home: www.snaptu.com

    2. Goojet
    Here I didn’t even take screenshots. Client aggregator. An annoying service, in order to get to the application I needed, I had to go through a bunch of registrations, get tons of SMS with instructions (unlike the same Snaptu, which is just downloaded and installed, without any registrations), etc. As a result, they had several Twitter applications in the cache, but in reality they were, to put it mildly, not competitive even compared to Twittai (at least), while all this terribly slows down and constantly accesses its server.
    Home: www.goojet.com

    3. ShoZu
    I did not take screenshots. Client aggregator. Position themselves as "your personal media hub in your pocket." The client is installed (rather bulky), then you can add the necessary applications. After the launch, I demanded to indicate how I will upload the pictures, apparently this is a priority direction. Further registration got sick.
    Home: www.shozu.com/portal/index.do

    4. MobiTile
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    Nice and easy application on FlashLite (file * .swf). Three services are supported: Twitter, Facebook and LiveJournal. Add the desired account and go. What can the Twitter component do? There are: tweet, retweet, reply. Oaths that the user is none other than the chosen one and can post as many as 170 characters, instead of 140 characters. You can view the user profile (userpic is displayed).
    Home: www.mobitile.com

    That's all. Himself, in the end, settled on Snaptu , friends also really liked it. As you can see, there is practically no choice, but what a wide field for activity! :) Good luck to everyone and a good choice.

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