Beeline and money

    I recently noticed that my money climbed ...
    I very often use the GPRS-Internet, and in principle 6 rubles per meter is the normal price.
    I was told that the beeline is starting to tear money, I already felt it on myself, climbed to the site, looked at the tariffs, well, I didn’t notice much difference in price, but I think the money is being torn for something !!!! ??? And he began to read. It turned out they had:
    The amount of data transferred / received during the session is rounded up: according to the Mobile GPRS-Internet service - with an accuracy of 100 Kb; on the GPRS-WAP service - with an accuracy of 10 Kb. Session - the time from the moment the GPRS connection was established until its completion.
    Although before this crisis the threshold was 5 kb, then 50, and now it’s already 100. And if you get on the network, then immediately get 70 kopecks, and if the GPRS session breaks off and you don’t even have time to look, then it opens again and is already removed from the account almost one and a half rubles. In general, I now decided for myself not to climb anywhere from the phone :) the maximum is sms ... But I somehow climbed up the bash org to read it, I read it, I didn’t notice that GPRS was cut off several times and in the end it took three with a penny. And I just downloaded no more than 10kb !!!
    People, please look at the cost of services on your tariffs, whether it has changed, otherwise you will discover it too late.
    I don’t know how other operators are doing, but I advise you to look, too, because the crisis is marching around the planet and will not go around anyone;)

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