How to revive Adium on a Mac (instructions)
1. Go to the site www.torproject.org (anonymizer online - read about the technology - very interesting and affordable !!!), download, install according to the instructions (several steps and all in Russian).
2. Launch Vidalia, it connects to Tor servers
3. Go to Adium> Settings> Accounts> click on the account with ICQ and press "change"> go to the proxy server tab> select socks 4> host: localhost, port: 9050
Save settings and reload Adium. And voila! Everything works!!!
PS For some reason, the community moderator ru_mac banned me for this message and deleted the topic - I had to move it here. Adium still doesn’t work with my standard settings.
UPD: Adium already works without add. settings!
2. Launch Vidalia, it connects to Tor servers
3. Go to Adium> Settings> Accounts> click on the account with ICQ and press "change"> go to the proxy server tab> select socks 4> host: localhost, port: 9050
Save settings and reload Adium. And voila! Everything works!!!
PS For some reason, the community moderator ru_mac banned me for this message and deleted the topic - I had to move it here. Adium still doesn’t work with my standard settings.
UPD: Adium already works without add. settings!