Replica 4004 calculator with the first Intel microprocessor

Original author: Gizmodo
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replica 4004
Long before the bowels of the new MacBook were turned into the light of day, and the man first bought the “Intel Inside” sticker stuck to the system unit of the new personal, he lived for himself - he didn’t bother printing Busicom 141-PF calculator.

Having become an icon of technology during his lifetime (the first device in the world which really has Intel Inside), in the week of his 38th birthday he certainly could not help but attract the attention of old school geeks. Bill Kotaska turned out to be one of them - he literally carved a working copy of a computer with an Intel 4004 processor almost insider.

In addition to seeming simplicity, Kotaski’s handiwork comes with weird modules such as paper and a bearded Shinshu Seiki Model-102 printer. The firmware is also veteran and was extracted from the original Busicom ROM. For those who are a dozen in Shakespeare, I advisePoke the link and enjoy the beautiful syllable about the gadget of a bygone era.

Preferring to warm up the brain and soldering iron, there is also something to offer.

Source codes are all there, by reference .

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