10 reasons why you should not quit your job and become a freelancer

    Nowadays, more and more people leave companies and equip home offices. Quite often, they ask me a question: is it worth quitting and starting to make a living by freelancing? Of course, no one will give a definite answer. Someone is able to independently communicate with customers, update the list of tasks and not break the deadlines. Someone, on the contrary, can work productively only in conditions of control by the leadership. Let's try to find the advantages of working in the office.

    1. Warranties
      An officially employed employee has a minimum fixed monthly salary, which he is guaranteed to receive in accounting at the end of the month. Attracting customers and providing you with work is a company problem. The attentive reader will reflect on the word “salary” and rightly object: “Is it not for this that I am going to go free swimming in order to earn at least no less than in the office?” Quite right, many write a statement of their own free will, including for the sake of increasing income. But to ensure that you are guaranteed and timely receive your remuneration for an eight-hour working day, at least a director and an accountant work in the organization. On "free bread" the size of income and its stability are often unpredictable things.
      Do not forget about paid leave and deductions to the pension fund. I heard a lot of talk about the fact that some freelancers pay taxes and make contributions to the pension fund. I admit honestly - I have never met such people live.
      At the time of the decision to dismiss, we see ourselves in the not too distant future as a successful and wealthy owner of our own business (are you not going to draw sites before old age?), Which can independently accumulate at least a couple of millions by the age of 60. I respect your ambitions, but you should never lose sight of the fact that sometimes events tend to unfold not the way we want.
      Before you put the application on the table, you should also think about who will pay for your sick leave.
    2. Allow yourself this - here and now
      Each of us in our life has had moments when we need a lot of money now, but there will be little and the day after tomorrow. Whether it’s buying a car or repairing an apartment, for many of us, several hundred thousand rubles is an impressive amount. What will an office worker do? He will go to the bank, write a statement, and in a week he will come to work on the new Toyota.
      What will a freelancer do? That's right - it will try to borrow from friends or relatives. By the way, they may well not have the right amount.
      There is an opinion that getting a loan from a bank without official employment is easier than simple. I propose to check the most meticulous readers of mine - try to borrow a hundred or two hundred thousand from the bank.
    3. An employee of the company can work with large customers.
      I sincerely wish you success and fulfill orders for well-known Russian and foreign brands. But, you must admit, you need to try hard and have an impressive portfolio so that the guys from Microsoft instructed the "free artist" to create the design of the promotional site.
      “But after all, the work that I performed while working at Company N is the property of Company N!”, The reader will object. Of course. But nothing prevents you from claiming that the work for such and such a client was performed by you as part of the job assignment of company N.
    4. Work in a large company in itself is a good line in the track record.
      Once you read these lines, sooner or later you will quit. I hope none of you will argue that a note in your biography about your position in a large agency increases the chances of getting a client.
    5. Discipline and timing control
      I know many talented people who show excellent professional results. But only in those cases when there is someone who can clearly formulate the task, set deadlines and control the execution. If you do not have the minimum leadership skills, you need a link between you and the client, have difficulty organizing your own time and are used to being reminded of deadlines - you should postpone the dismissal and work on these skills.
    6. Teamwork experience
      None of the freelancers want to draw mock-ups and write articles sitting in four walls until they are very old. I think I will be objective if I say that the long-term goal of any independent specialist is to create and develop their own business (large or small - it does not matter). The ability to delegate tasks, to listen to the advice of colleagues and to adequately respond to criticism - these are the things that will definitely be useful to you in the future. You are lucky, you work in the office - use this chance and gain the necessary skills.
    7. Training at the expense of colleagues
      Working in a team, you have a great opportunity to improve at the expense of colleagues. Surely there are people in your company who have those skills that you don’t have. Ask questions, get answers, grow professionally. And all this is completely free.
    8. A fixed work schedule
      Working in an office eight hours five days a week is not a bad idea. A fixed schedule allows you to plan your free time. If your working day usually ends at 19:00, you can, without a twinge of conscience, make an appointment to meet friends next Thursday at 19:30.
      Still want independence and work on your own? Get ready for the fact that you will have to postpone the friendly party, and refuse the premiere of the sequel about Agent 007 in favor of working on an urgent project.
    9. Social life
      Having decided to gain independence from the employer, get ready for the fact that one day email and icq will replace your live communication. In psychology, this is commonly called social deprivation, which, incidentally, can lead to serious psychological deformations of the person. Talking about the weather with a colleague in the smoking room only at first glance may seem like a futile exercise. I bet you will begin to miss this useless chatter after a while.
    10. Your professional reputation under the protection of the company
      Imagine that the agency in which you work has lost a client. Even worse, if the refusal to cooperate occurred through your own fault (failure to meet deadlines or poor quality result). Not a very pleasant situation, right? But even from it you can draw positive experience - the client refused to work with the company, but not with you. This protects your professional reputation at the expense of the company. The worst thing that could threaten is dismissal. But you yourself were going to do it?

    If you want to plus, please alexeyenko - I just posted his topic here on my own initiative, he does not have enough karma.

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