Skype developers will come to HL ++

Thanks to Skype, Internet telephony has become widespread - now more than 350 million users use Skype.
The Postgresman company brings two Skype developers to the HighLoad ++ conference . Oya Asko (Asko Oja), a leading database expert, read the report «Skype Distributed Database Architecture».
Here is what Asko himself says about the report: “The report tells how we scaled the Skype database running PostgreSQL from one server to the current huge system with hundreds of servers and tables containing billions of records that can handle tens of thousands of queries per second . We will talk about the tools that were developed for this and published under an open license: plProxy for remote stored procedure calls and horizontal scaling, SkyTools for queuing, replication and building fault-tolerant systems, pgBouncer for managing and caching connections. Almost all of these tools can be useful in much smaller systems. ”
Second Specialist - Marco Creen(Marko Kreen) - works as a simple engineer in Skype and, in combination, is the coolest hacker, developing and supporting such well-known PostgreSQL projects as PL / Proxy, Skytools, PgBouncer and pgcrypto.
The goal of our conference is the professional growth of each of its participants and, without any doubt, the experience of companies such as Skype, will be useful to Russian developers. I invite Khabrovchan - October 6 and 7, Moscow .