IE7 outperforms other browsers in RIA tests

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    this is to talk about all the delights of the benefits of various browsers.

    IE7 outperforms other browsers in RIA tests
    I would like to note that this article may upset users of alternative browsers. Nevertheless, if you trust the results of the new tool, then when it comes to web applications (from the English Rich Internet Applications - RIAs), IE7 shows better results than Firefox and Opera in Windows XP.

    Moreover, IE7 in XP is ahead of Safari in MacOS X 10.5. The tests created by the developer Sean Christmann used the latest browser versions (that is, neither IE8, FF3, nor Opera 9.5 took part in the test).

    Kristmann developed a test application, subsequently named “GUIMark”, which tracks the frames per second (Frames Per Second - FPS) when rendering by browsers of RIA technologies. These technologies include: DHTML, Flex, Java, Silverlight 1 and Silverlight 2. GUIMark evaluates common types of web application UI elements (vector redraw, alpha transparencu, text reflow, bitmap motio, 9 scale slicing). The application works by “filling the pipeline until it becomes saturated, after which it will be possible to understand whose rendering engine works most efficiently,” Kristmann explains.

    “As for the HTML test, Internet Explorer 7 and Safari 3, respectively, became the most productive browser in each OS under consideration. All subsequent plug-in tests were carried out in these browsers,” says Kristmann. Its results show that Sun, Adobe, and Mozilla have room to strive for performance in Mac OS X 10.5. However, the results showed that Silverlight turned out to be a less powerful browser plugin. True, Microsoft has an explanation for this fact - Silverlight is still too young. Remember, however, that this test is designed to test performance in RIA applications.

    Download GUImark test results >>>

    Translation: deeper2k

    I'll tell you from myself. All disputes, anti-movements and so on, I personally dismiss immediately.
    I like the ability to work in different browsers - of course, there is no one super-universal. It tastes and color. But personally, I cannot stand it when they start proving with foam at my mouth, with insults to my opponents, that "what I use is the best, the rest are kazly."

    and dogs. I ask you not to find fault with spelling and punctuation. This is what I always write. It's more comfortable for me.

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