I asked ..., or Will the search engines help me find my favorite?

    I asked the ash tree: “Where is my darling?” -
    Ash did not answer me, shaking his head.
    I asked the poplar: “Where is my darling?” -
    Poplar threw me autumn leaves ...
    (Song from the movie “Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath !” Words: V. Kirshon. Music: M. Tariverdiev.)

    As we see , nobody could help the hero of the song find her beloved. But can search engines help - in the noble cause of finding a loved one? They can, and how!

    - I asked Google : “Where is my darling?”, Google googled me: “Results 1-10 from about 3.380.000 for where is my darling. (0.19 seconds). ”

    - I asked Yandex : “Where is my darling?” - Yandex gave me Yandex: “There is everything! Search result: pages - 2.082.135, sites - at least 4.297 ”.

    - I asked AltaVista : “Where is my darling?”, - AltaVista told me altavistil: “AltaVista found 2,400,000 results”.

    - At Yahoo! I asked: "Where is my darling?" - Yahoo! I find ... I generally found: “Search Results1-10 of about 2,400,000 for where my favorite is 0.16 sec.”

    - I asked MetaBot : “Where is my darling?”, - MetaBot scheduled me: “Links generated around: 29,527,011.”

    “I asked LiveSearch ,“ Where is my darling? ”, LiveSearch gave me the livescher:“ Page 1 of 73,609 results. ”

    - I asked Nigma : “Where is my favorite?”, - Nigma nanigmila me: “Search results - Found approximately: 4.152.765”.

    - At PuntoI asked: “Where is my darling?”, Punto told me: “AltaVista found 2,400,000 results”. Strange, AltaVista was looking for him! ..

    - I asked Search.Ru : “Where is my favorite?”, Search.Ru answered me: “where: 515.178.892, mine: 1.345.508.800, favorite: 572.372.463, documents found: 429.697. "

    - I asked Rambler : “Where is my darling?”, Rambler rammed me: “You searched: where is my darling, found sites: 519.929, documents: 23.633.212, new: 37.318”.

    “I asked Russia on the Net :“ Where is my favorite? ”, Russia on the Net answered me:“ Search results: More than 20 resources matched the request. ”

    - At Ask.com Search Engine - Better Web SearchI asked: “Where is my darling?”, Ask.com asked me: “where is my darling Showing 1-10 of 168”.

    - I asked SearchMail.Ru : “Where is my darling?”, - Search Mail.Ru replied to me: “Found sites: 4,299, documents: 2,085,386”.

    “I asked OBLAVA.RU :“ Where is my darling? ”, OBLAVA.RU barked at me:“ Server not found. ”

    - I asked Aport'a : “Where is my darling?”, - Aport (who is looking for what is needed) spoiled me: “The best 17.816 (4.486 sites) of documents”.

    - I asked Webalta : “Where is my darling?”, - Webalta nabbalbali: “Results: Pages - 1-10 out of about 951,000 found (0.03 sec.)”.

    - I asked searchmash: “Where is my darling?”, Searchmash scribbled me: “Web Pages - about 3,300,000.”

    - I asked Search i.ua : “Where is my darling?”, - Search i.ua looked for me: “Results: pages - 12.744, servers - at least 437 (3.17 seconds). Requests per month: where - 178, mine - 114, favorite - 77. Buy the words. "

    - I asked KM.RU : “Where is my darling?”, KM.RU gave me a nirillmefodil: “Search results on the Internet: Pages - 6.912, sites no less than - 2.562 (1.44 sec.”).

    - I asked http://tur.goodsearch.ru/ : “Where is my darling?”, “The best search engine on the network” has given me: “Server not found”.

    And the places in the top twenty were distributed as follows (an experiment to find a favorite was carried out on September 20, 2007 from 12:00 to 15:00 Moscow time):

    MetaBot took 1st place with a result of 29,527,011 links.
    2nd place - Rambler - 23.633.212.
    3rd place - Nigma - 4.152.765.
    4th place - Google - 3.380.000.
    5th place - searchmash - 3.300.000.
    6th, 7th and 8th - Yahoo!, AltaVista and Punto - 2,400,000.
    9th - Search on Mail.Ru - 2.085.386.
    10th - Yandex - 2.082.135.
    11th - Webalta - 951,000.
    12th - Search.Ru - 429.697.
    13th - LiveSearch - 73.609.
    14th - Aport - 17.816.
    15th - Search for i.ua - 12.744.
    16th - KM.RU - 6.912.
    17th - Ask.com - 168.
    18th - Russia on the Net - more than 20.
    19th and 20th - OBLAVA.RU and tur.goodsearch.ru .

    Source - http://shkolazhizni.ru/archive/0/n-10386/

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