Haiku on SCaLE 5x - Day One. To be continued.

    Bruno G. Albuquerque writes:

    After our first publication, Michael’s luggage finally arrived and we were able to show Haiku on the screen of our projector, it really helped to draw more attention to our booth. It seemed to me that people got a good impression from getting acquainted with our stand and our ideas about what the OS for desktop computers should be like. This is really a joyful event for us. Projector screen at Haiku booth

    Projector screen at Haiku booth

    We are also very pleased that there is Travis Geiselbrecht (Travis Geiselbrecht) developer NewOS who joined us in the afternoon. Not only did we spend a lot of time with Travis discussing Haiku and its kernel (it is based on NewOS), we also had dinner together and told each other a bunch of different stories about the good old days. Travis Heiselbrecht (in gray) with the Haiku team.

    Travis Heiselbrecht (in gray) with the Haiku team.

    We also received the first news about the presentation that took place in the evening, at which Michael Phipps showed Haiku to an audience of about twenty people. All participants of the presentation showed a keen interest in our work, as evidenced by a large number of interesting questions regarding the “Question-Answer” presentation. In my opinion, the performance was successful, because it made it possible for those who did not know about our project to learn about Haiku, as well as to demonstrate the progress made by us to those who already knew about it. Michael Phipps talks about Haiku Source: haiku-os.org

    Michael Phipps talks about Haiku

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