100 most valuable GitHub repositories [according to the UOS algorithm]

Hello, Habr! I present to you a selection - a translation of an article from Hackernoon “GitHub's Top 100 Most Valuable Repositories Out of 96 Million” . And the article itself was written by the guys who used the U ° OS Network algorithm to identify the most valuable opsource projects on Github.


There will be an incredible revelation now, probably, but GitHub is not just code hosting - it is a community.

In total, more than 30 million accounts, more than 2 million companies, and more than 96 million repositories are now registered on Github. All of this together is the Github community.

But how do you rate the impact of this community? Are there any, say, top repositories?

[here the guys say that they created their [reputation algorithm] in U ° OS (https://github.com/UOSnetwork/uos.docs/blob/master/yellow_paper/uos_yellow_paper.eng.pdf), and passed through him the whole GitHub, to find the most valuable repositories for the community]

The result was quite interesting, well motley, it seems that it reflects interest in different technologies and shows where we are going.

There are big players with open source projects - Google, Apple, Microsoft, Facebook, even Baidu. And at the same time there is, for example, a tool to combat censorship in China.

There is bitcoin and cryptocurrency.

There is a particle detector for the Large Hadron Collider.

There are game projects, for example, Space Station 13 and Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, as well as the Godot game engine.

There are educational projects - freeCodeCamp, Open edX, Oppia and [Code.org] (http://code.org/).

There are web projects and projects for creating mobile applications, for example, WordPress, Joomla and Flutter for publishing your content.

There are databases for storing your content, such as Ceph and CockroachDB.

And there is an engine that helps us navigate content - Elasticsearch.

Also, unsurprisingly, there are jailbreak projects - Cydia compatibility manager for iOS and Nintendo 3DS custom firmware.

And there is a system of "smart home" - Home Assistant.

In general, this is a pretty cool forecast for the whole world of technology: we study, create platforms for expressing opinions, we use cryptography, we get rid of proprietary software on our devices, and in our free time we cut games in the “smart houses” that we create . It is also important that large companies calmly open the code so that you too can contribute to all this.

Well, before you go to the list, we will share another interesting thing. In the process, the algorithm also rated each individual GitHub contributor. If you have an account there and you are interested - you can look at your reputation or “rating” at [https://u.community/github 022(https://u.community/github) and convert it to Universal Portable reputation.

Top 100 Projects & Repositories

From 96 million repositories

1. Google Kubernetes
Planning and managing the container
Repository: github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes
Website: kubernetes.io

2. Apache Spark
Unified analytic engine for data processing
Repository: github.com/apache/spark
Website: spark .apache.org

3. Microsoft Visual Studio Code
Source Code Editor
Repository: github.com/Microsoft/vscode
Website: code.visualstudio.com

4. NixOS Package Collection
Collection of packages for Nix
Repository: github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs
Website: nixos.org

5. Rust
Programming Language
Repository: github.com/rust-lang/rust
Website: www.rust-lang.org

6. Firehol IP Lists
Blacklists for Firehol
Repository: github.com/firehol / blocklist-ipsets
Website: iplists.firehol.org

7. Red Hat OpenShift
Kubernetes community distribution optimized for continuous application development and multi-tenant deployment.
Repository: github.com/openshift/origin
Website: www.openshift.com

8. Ansible
Deployment Automation Platform
Repository: github.com/ansible/ansible
Website: www.ansible.com

9. Automattic WordPress Calypso
JavaScript and API for WordPress.com
Repository: github.com/Automattic/wp-calypso
Website: developer.wordpress .com / calypso

10. Microsoft .NET CoreFX
Core Class Libraries for .NET Core
Repository: github.com/dotnet/corefx
Website: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core

11. Microsoft .NET Roslyn
Compiler .NET
Repository: github.com/dotnet/roslyn
Website: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/csharp/roslyn-sdk

12. Node.js
JavaScript Runtime Built on the Chrome V8 JavaScript
Engine Repository: github.com/nodejs/node
Website: nodejs.org/en

13. TensorFlow
Google Machine Learning Engine
Repository: github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow
Web Website : www.tensorflow.org

14. freeCodeCamp Code Learning
Repository: github.com/freeCodeCamp/freeCodeCamp
Website: www.freecodecamp.org

15. Space Station 13
Multiplayer role-playing game
Repository: github.com/tgstation/tgstation
Web site:www.tgstation13.org

16. Apple Swift Apple
programming language
Repository: github.com/apple/swift
Website: swift.org

17. Elasticsearch
Search engine
Repository: github.com/elastic/elasticsearch
Website: www.elastic. co / products / elasticsearch

18. Moby
An open platform for building specialized container systems
Repository: github.com/moby/moby
Website: mobyproject.org

19. CockroachDB
SQL Cloud Database
Repository: github.com/cockroachdb/cockroach
Website :www.cockroachlabs.com

20. Cydia Compatibility Checker Compatibility Checker
for Cydia - package manager for jailbroken iOS devices
Repository: github.com/jlippold/tweakCompatible
Website: jlippold.github.io/tweakCompatible

21. Servo
Web browser engine
Repository : github.com/servo/servo
Website: servo.org

22. Google Flutter
SDK Google mobile application for creating interfaces for iOS and Android
Repository: github.com/flutter/flutter
Website: flutter.dev

23. macOS Homebrew Package Manager
Missing package manager for macOS
Repository: github.com/homebrew/homebrew-core
Website: brew.sh

24. Home Assistant Home
automation software
Repository: github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant
Website: www .home-assistant.io

25. Microsoft .NET CoreCLR
.NET Core Runtime
Repository: github.com/dotnet/coreclr
Website: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core

26. CocoaPods Specifications
Specifications for CocoaPods
Repository: github.com/CocoaPods/Specs
Website: cocoapods.org

27. Elastic Kibana
Analytics and search bar for Elasticsearch
Repository: github.com/elastic/kibana
Website: www.elastic.co/products/kibana

28. Julia Language
Technical computer language
Repository: github.com/JuliaLang/julia
Web website: julialang.org

29. Microsoft TypeScript A
JavaScript add-in that compiles into simple JavaScript
Repository: github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript
Website: www.typescriptlang.org

30. Joomla
Content Management System
Repository: github.com/joomla/joomla -cms
Website: www.joomla.org

31. DefinitelyTyped
Repository for TypeScript Type Definitions
Repository: github.com/DefiniteTyped/DefiniteTyped
Website: definitetyped.org

32. Homebrew Cask
CLI workflow for administering MacOS applications distributed as binary files
Repository: github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-cask )
Website: brew.sh

33. Ceph
Distributed object, block and file storage platform
Repository: github.com/ceph/ceph
Website: ceph.com

34. Go
Programming language
Repository: github.com/golang/go
Website: golang.org

35. AMP HTML Builder
Creating pages for Google AMP
Repository: github.com/ampproject/amphtml
Website: amp.dev

36. Open edX
Online education platform
Repository: github .com / edx / edx-platform
Website: open.edx.org

37. Pandas
Data Analysis and Processing Library for Python
Repository: github.com/pandas-dev/pandas
Website: pandas.pydata.org

38. Istio
Microservice Management Platform
Website: istio.io

39. ManageIQ
Containers and storage management platform
Repository: github.com/ManageIQ/manageiq
Website: manageiq.org

40. Godot Engine Multi-platform
2D and 3D game engine
Repository: github .com / godotengine / godot
Web site: godotengine.org

41. Gentoo Repository Mirror
repository mirror ebuild Repository: github.com/gentoo/gentoo
Web site: www.gentoo.org

42. Odoo
A set of business web applications with open source
Repository: github.com/odoo/odoo
Web: www.odoo.com

43. Azure Documentation
Microsoft Azure Documentation
Repository: github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs
Web: docs.microsoft.com/azure

44. Magento
E-Commerce Platform
Repository: github.com/magento/magento2
Website: magento.com

45. Saltstack
Configuration Management and Remote Transaction Management System
Repository: github.com/saltstack/salt
Website: www.saltstack.com

46. Adguard filters
Ad Blocking Filters for AdGuard
Repository: github.com/AdguardTeam/AdguardFilters
Website: adguard.com/en/welcome.html

47. Symfony
PHP Framework
Repository: github.com/symfony/symfony
Website: symfony.com

48 . the CMS software for the Large hadron collider
software components for the particle detector of the Large hadron collider
Repository: github.com/cms-sw/cmssw
website: cms-sw.github.io

49. of Red Hat OpenShift
Installation and configuration management OpenShift
Repository : github.com/openshift/openshift-ansible
Website: www.openshift.com

50. OwnCloud
Web application for data synchronization, file sharing and remote storage of documents in the cloud
Repository: github.com/owncloud/core
Website: owncloud.org

51. gRPC
Remote Procedure Call Service (RPC)
Repository: github.com/grpc/grpc
Website: grpc.io

52. Liferay
Corporate Web Platform
Repository: github.com/brianchandotcom/liferay-portal
Website: www.liferay.com ] (https://www.liferay.com

53. CommCare HQ
Mobile data collection platform
Repository: github.com/dimagi/commcare-hq
Website: www.commcarehq.org

54. WordPress Gutenberg WordPress
Editor Plugin
Repository: github.com/WordPress/gutenberg
Website: wordpress.org/gutenberg

55. PyTorch
Library machine learning for Torch-based Python language
Repository: github.com/pytorch/pytorch
Website: pytorch.org

56. Kubernetes Test Infrastructure
Test infrastructure Kubernetes
Repository: github.com/kubernetes/test-infra
Website: kubernetes.io

57. Keybase
repository Repository: github.com/keybase/client
Website: keybase.io

58. Facebook React
JavaScript library for creating user interfaces
Repository: github.com/facebook/react
Website: reactjs.org

59. Code.org
Repository : github.com/code-dot-org/code-dot-org
Website: code.org

60. Bitcoin Core
Bitcoin wallet
Repository: github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin
Website: bitcoincore.org

61. Arm Mbed OS
Platform Operating System IoF
Website: www.mbed.com

62. scikit-learn
Python Machine Learning Module
Repository: github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn
Website: scikit-learn.org

63. Nextcloud
Platform for creating and using cloud storage
Repository: github.com/nextcloud/server
Website: nextcloud.com

64. Helm Charts
Kubernetes package manager
Repository: github.com/helm/charts
Website: kubernetes.io

65 . Terraform
tool for infrastructure management
Website: www.terraform.io

66. Ant Design
User Interface Design Language
Repository: github.com/ant-design/ant-design
Website: ant.design

67. Phalcon Framework Documentation
Documentation for Phalcon, PHP framework
Repository: github.com/phalcon/docs
Website: docs.phalconphp.com

68. Documentation for CMS Software for the Large Hadron Collider
CMS software documentation for the Large Hadron Collider
Repository: github.com/ cms-sw / cms-sw.github.io
Website: cms-sw.github.io

69. Apache Kafka Mirror
Mirror for Apache Kafka, a distributed streaming platform
Repository: github.com/apache/kafka
Website: kafka.apache.org

70. Electron
Framework for writing cross-platform desktop applications using JavaScript, HTML and CSS
Repository: github .com / electron / electron
Website: electronjs.org

71. Zephyr Project
Real-time operating system
Repository: github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/zephyr
Website: www.zephyrproject.org

72. The web-platform-tests Project
Cross-browser test suite for the web platform stack
Repository: github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt
Website: www.w3.org

73. Marlin Firmware
Optimized firmware for RepRap 3D printers on the Arduino platform
Repository: github. com / MarlinFirmware / Marlin
Website: marlinfw.org

74. Apache MXNet
Deep Learning Software Platform
Repository: github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet
Website: mxnet.apache.org

75. Apache Beam
Unified Programming Model
Repository: github .com / apache / beam

76. Fastlane
A tool for automating the assembly and laying out processes of mobile iOS and Android applications
Repository: github.com/fastlane/fastlane
Website: fastlane.tools

77. Kubernetes Website and Documentation
Repository and documentation Kubernetes
Repository: github. com / kubernetes / website
Website: kubernetes.io

78. Ruby on Rails Ruby
Repository: github.com/rails/rails
Website: rubyonrails.org

79. Zulip Collaboration
Website: zulipchat.com

80. Laravel
Framework for using the MVC model
Repository: github.com/laravel/framework
Website: laravel.com

81. Baidu PaddlePaddle Baidu
deep learning software
Repository: github.com/PaddlePaddle/Paddle
Website: www.paddlepaddle.org

82. Gatsby
Repository: github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby
Website: www.gatsbyjs.org

83. Rust Crate Registry
Rust Package
Website: crates.io

84. Nintendo 3DS Custom Firmware
Complete 3DS Custom Firmware Guide
Repository: github.com/hacks-guide/Guide_3DS
Website: 3ds.hacks .guide

85. TiDB
NewSQL Database
Repository: github.com/pingcap/tidb
Website: pingcap.com

86. Angular CLI
CLI for Angular, Google web application framework
Repository: github.com/angular/angular-cli
Web website: cli.angular.io

Offline maps for iOS and Android
Website: maps.me

88. Eclipse Che
Cloud IDE for Eclipse
Repository: github.com/eclipse/che
Website: www.eclipse.org/che

89. Brave Browser
Browser with its own cryptocurrency BAT
Repository: github.com/brave/browser-laptop
Website: www.brave.com

90. Patchwork
Storage for learning Git
Repository: github.com/jlord/patchwork
Website: jlord.us/patchwork

91. Angular Material
Infrastructure and material design components for Angular, the Google web application platform
Repository: github.com/angular/components
Website: material.angular.io

92. Python
Programming Language
Repository: github.com/python/cpython
Website: www.python.org

93. Space Station 13
Multiplayer computer game
Repository : github.com/vgstation-coders/vgstation13
Website: ss13.moe

94. Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
Computer game in the genre of simulator
Repository: github.com/CleverRaven/Cataclysm-DDA
Website: cataclysmdda.org

95. Material-UI
Google components Material design
Repository: github.com/mui-org/material-ui
Website: material-ui.com

96. Ionic
SDK for the development of hybrid mobile applications
Repository: github.com/ionic-team/ionic
Website: ionicframework.com

97. Oppia
Interactive Lesson Collaboration Tool
Repository: github.com/oppia/oppia
Website: www.oppia.org

98. Alluxio
Virtual Distributed Storage System
Repository: github.com/Alluxio/alluxio
Website: www.alluxio.io

99. XX Net
Chinese web proxy and anti-censorship tool
Repository: github.com/XX-net/XX-Net
Website: no

100. Microsoft .NET CLI CLI
Tool for .NET
Repository: github.com/dotnet/cli
Web website: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools

You can find out how the algorithm works here .

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