Julia: functions and structures-as-functions
- Tutorial
Despite the fact that the concept of Julia lacks “classical” object-oriented programming with classes and methods, the language provides abstraction tools, a key role in which is played by the type system and elements of functional programming. Let us consider the second point in more detail.
The concept of functions in Julia is probably the most similar to languages from the Lisp family (to be more precise, the Lisp-1 branches), and functions can be considered at three levels: as subprograms, as abstractions to a certain sequence of actions, and as data representing this abstraction .
The allocation of subprograms and the assignment of their own names has been going on since prehistoric times, when Fortran was considered a high-level language, and C was not there yet.
In this sense, Julia products are standard. “Feature” can be called the fact that syntactically there is no division into procedures and functions. Regardless of whether the subroutine is called to get some value or just to perform some action on the data, it is called a function.
The definition of a function begins with a keyword
Distinctive syntax is the behavior inherited from Lisp: for a “normal” return of a value from a function, a word is
For functions with a short definition, there is a shortened syntax similar to a mathematical notation. So, the calculation of the length of the hypotenuse along the length of the legs can be defined as follows:
The “safe” division using the ternary operator can be written as follows:
As you can see, it is not necessary to specify types for function arguments. Given how the Julia JIT compiler works, duck typing will not always result in poor performance.
As I tried to demonstrate in a previous article , the Julia compiler can infer the type of the return result by the types of input arguments. Therefore, for example, a function
Now, if the types of both arguments are known at the compilation stage, the type of the returned result is also unambiguously displayed, since the function
Functions can have a fixed number of positional arguments, positional arguments with default values, named arguments, and a variable number of arguments. Syntax:
The function name can be used not only in direct calls, but also as an identifier with which the procedure for obtaining the value is associated. For example:
The "classic" functions that take a functional argument are
Since it is not really determined in what order the array will pass during the reduction, or whether it will be called
Using higher-order functions for operations on arrays instead of writing a loop has several advantages:
Often in
Both named and anonymous functions can be assigned to variables and returned as values:
Normally, they try to write functions in such a way that all the data necessary for the calculation are obtained through formal arguments, i.e. any variable names that occur in the body are either the names of formal arguments or the names of the variables entered inside the body of the function.
Generally speaking,
With point 2, nothing can be done but to agree - it is logical that the definitions of all the functions used in the system must exist, and we hope that their real meaning corresponds to our expectations.
Point 1 is less obvious than it seems. The fact is that the answer depends on where the function is defined. If it is defined globally, then
If the function body contains the name of an external variable, then this name is associated with the value that existed in the environment where the function was created. If the function itself is exported from this environment (for example, if it is returned from another function as a value), then it “captures” the variable from the internal environment, which is no longer accessible in the new environment. This is called lexical closure.
Closures are mainly useful in two situations: when you need to create a function according to the given parameters and when you need a function that has some internal state.
Consider the situation with a function that encapsulates an internal state:
In a previous article, the presentation of polynomials as structures is considered. In particular, one of the storage structures is a list of coefficients, starting with the youngest. To calculate a polynomial
Representation of a polynomial in the form of a structure does not fully correspond to its intuitive understanding as a mathematical function. But with the help of returning the functional value, polynomials can also be specified directly as functions. So it was:
We transform this definition into a function that takes an array / tuple of coefficients and returns the actual function that computes the polynomial:
Similarly, you can write a function for the interpolation polynomial.
An important question: was there something that was lost in the new definition in the previous definition? Unfortunately, yes - defining a polynomial as a structure gave hints for the compiler, and for us it was possible to overload arithmetic operators for this structure. Unfortunately, Julia does not provide for functions of such a powerful type system.
Fortunately, in this case we can take the best of both worlds, since Julia allows you to create so-called callable structs. Those. You can specify a polynomial as a structure, but be able to call it as a function! To the definitions of structures from the previous article, you just need to add:
Using functional arguments, you can also add an external constructor of an interpolation polynomial for a certain function constructed from a set of points:
Opportunities borrowed from functional programming in Julia give a more expressive language compared to a purely imperative style. Representation of structures in the form of functions is a way of more convenient and natural recording of mathematical concepts.
The concept of functions in Julia is probably the most similar to languages from the Lisp family (to be more precise, the Lisp-1 branches), and functions can be considered at three levels: as subprograms, as abstractions to a certain sequence of actions, and as data representing this abstraction .
Level 1. Functions as routines
The allocation of subprograms and the assignment of their own names has been going on since prehistoric times, when Fortran was considered a high-level language, and C was not there yet.
In this sense, Julia products are standard. “Feature” can be called the fact that syntactically there is no division into procedures and functions. Regardless of whether the subroutine is called to get some value or just to perform some action on the data, it is called a function.
The definition of a function begins with a keyword
, followed by a list of arguments, a sequence of commands in brackets, and the word ends with a definition end
Sum all elements of a collection and return the result
function sum_all(collection)
sum = 0
for item in collection
sum += collection
Distinctive syntax is the behavior inherited from Lisp: for a “normal” return of a value from a function, a word is
not necessary: the value of the last one calculated before the end
expression is returned . In the example above, the value of the variable will be returned sum
. Thus, it return
can be used as a marker of the special behavior of a function:function safe_division(number, divisor)
if divisor == 0
return 0
number / divisor
# то же самое
function safe_division1(number, divisor)
if divisor == 0
0 # при попадании в эту ветку до выхода из функции нет других инструкций
number / divisor
For functions with a short definition, there is a shortened syntax similar to a mathematical notation. So, the calculation of the length of the hypotenuse along the length of the legs can be defined as follows:
hypotenuse(a, b) = sqrt(a^2 + b^2)
The “safe” division using the ternary operator can be written as follows:
safe_division(number, divisor) = divisor == 0 ? 0 : number / divisor
As you can see, it is not necessary to specify types for function arguments. Given how the Julia JIT compiler works, duck typing will not always result in poor performance.
As I tried to demonstrate in a previous article , the Julia compiler can infer the type of the return result by the types of input arguments. Therefore, for example, a function
for quick work requires minimal modification:function safe_division(number, divisor)
if divisor == 0
return zero(number / divisor)
number / divisor
Now, if the types of both arguments are known at the compilation stage, the type of the returned result is also unambiguously displayed, since the function
returns a null value of the same type as its argument (and division by zero, according to IEEE 754 , has a quite representable value in the format of floating-point numbers). Functions can have a fixed number of positional arguments, positional arguments with default values, named arguments, and a variable number of arguments. Syntax:
# фиксированный список аргументов
function hello(name)
println("Hello, ", name)
# аргумент со значением по умолчанию
# аргументы со значением по умолчанию должны идти после обязательных аргументов
function greeting_d(name, greeting = "Hello")
println(greeting, ", ", name)
# именованный аргумент со значением по умолчанию
# именованные аргументы отделяются точкой с запятой и идут после
# обязательных аргументов и опциональных позиционных аргументов
function greeting_kw(name; greeting = "Hello")
println(greeting, ", ", name)
# аргумент greeting хоть и именованный, но должен обязательно быть предоставлен при вызове
function greeting_oblkw(name; greeting)
println(greeting, ", ", name)
# функция с неопределённым числом аргументов
# все аргументы, начиная со второго, в теле интерпретируются как кортеж names
function greeting_nary(greeting, names...)
for name in names
print(", ", name)
julia> hello("world")
Hello, world
julia> greeting_d("world")
Hello, world
julia> greeting_d("Mr. Smith", "How do you do")
How do you do, Mr. Smith
julia> greeting_kw("Mr. Smith")
Hello, Mr. Smith
julia> greeting_kw("mom", greeting = "Hi")
Hi, mom
julia> greeting_oblkw("world")
ERROR: UndefKeywordError: keyword argument greeting not assigned
[1] greeting_oblkw(::String) at ./REPL[23]:3
[2] top-level scope at none:0
julia> greeting_oblkw("mom", greeting = "Hi")
Hi, mom
julia> greeting_nary("Hi", "mom", "dad", "everyone")
Hi, mom, dad, everyone
Level 2. Functions as data
The function name can be used not only in direct calls, but also as an identifier with which the procedure for obtaining the value is associated. For example:
function f_x_x(fn, x)
fn(x, x)
julia> f_x_x(+, 3)
6 # +(3, 3) = 3+3 = 6
julia> f_x_x(*, 3)
9 # *(3, 3) = 9
julia> f_x_x(^, 3)
27 # ^(3, 3) = 3^3 = 27
julia> f_x_x(log, 3)
1.0 # log(3, 3) = 1
The "classic" functions that take a functional argument are
, reduce
and filter
. map(f, x...)
applies the function f
to the values of all elements from x
(or tuples of i-elements) and returns the results as a new collection:julia> map(cos, [0, π/3, π/2, 2*π/3, π])
5-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> map(+, (2, 3), (1, 1))
(3, 4)
reduce(f, x; init_val)
"Reduces" the collection to a single value, "expanding" the chain f(f(...f(f(init_val, x[1]), x[2])...), x[end])
:function myreduce(fn, values, init_val)
accum = init_val
for x in values
accum = fn(accum, x)
Since it is not really determined in what order the array will pass during the reduction, or whether it will be called
fn(accum, x)
or fn(x, accum)
, the reduction will give a predictable result only with commutative or associative operators, such as addition or multiplication. filter(predicate, x)
returns an array of elements x
that satisfy the predicate predicate
:julia> filter(isodd, 1:10)
5-element Array{Int64,1}:
julia> filter(iszero, [[0], 1, 0.0, 1:-1, 0im])
4-element Array{Any,1}:
0 + 0im
Using higher-order functions for operations on arrays instead of writing a loop has several advantages:
- the code is getting shorter
show the semantics of the operation being performed, then you still need to understand the semantics of what is happening in the cyclemap()
allows the compiler to understand that operations on array elements are independent of data, which allows you to apply additional optimizations
Level 3. Functions as Abstractions
Often in
or filter()
you need to use a function that has not been assigned its own name. Julia in this case allows you to express the abstraction of the operations on the argument, without entering your own name for this sequence. Such an abstraction is called an anonymous function , or a lambda function (since in the mathematical tradition such functions are denoted by the letter lambda). The syntax for this view is:# именованная функция
square(x) = x^2
# анонимный аналог
x -> x^2
# именованная функция
hypot(a, b) = sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
# анонимный аналог - если аргументов больше одного, вокруг них ставятся скобки,
# чтобы не спутать с кортежем из переменной и анонимной функции от одной переменной
(x, y) -> sqrt(x^2 + y^2)
# именованная функция
fortytwo() = 42
# анонимная функция
() -> 42
julia> map(i -> map(x -> x^i, 1:5), 1:5)
5-element Array{Array{Int64,1},1}:
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
[1, 4, 9, 16, 25]
[1, 8, 27, 64, 125]
[1, 16, 81, 256, 625]
[1, 32, 243, 1024, 3125]
Both named and anonymous functions can be assigned to variables and returned as values:
julia> double_squared = x -> (2 * x)^2
#17 (generic function with 1 method)
julia> double_squared(5)
Variable scope and lexical closures
Normally, they try to write functions in such a way that all the data necessary for the calculation are obtained through formal arguments, i.e. any variable names that occur in the body are either the names of formal arguments or the names of the variables entered inside the body of the function.
function normal(x, y)
z = x + y
x + y * z
function strange(x, y)
x + y * z
can say about a function that in its body all variable names are related , i.e. if we everywhere (including the argument list) replace “x” with “m” (or any other identifier), “y” with “n”, and “z” with “sum_of_m_and_n”, the meaning of the expression will not change. In the function, the strange()
name z is unbound , i.e. a) the meaning may change if this name is replaced by another; and b) the correctness of the function depends on whether a variable with the name “z” was defined at the time the function was called. Generally speaking,
everything is not so clean with a function either:- What happens if a variable named z is defined outside the function?
- The + and * characters, in fact, are also unrelated identifiers.
With point 2, nothing can be done but to agree - it is logical that the definitions of all the functions used in the system must exist, and we hope that their real meaning corresponds to our expectations.
Point 1 is less obvious than it seems. The fact is that the answer depends on where the function is defined. If it is defined globally, then
inside it normal()
will be a local variable, i.e. even if there is a global variable, z
its value will not be overwritten. If the definition of the function is inside the code block, then if there is an earlier definition in this block, it z
will be the value of the external variable that will be changed.If the function body contains the name of an external variable, then this name is associated with the value that existed in the environment where the function was created. If the function itself is exported from this environment (for example, if it is returned from another function as a value), then it “captures” the variable from the internal environment, which is no longer accessible in the new environment. This is called lexical closure.
Closures are mainly useful in two situations: when you need to create a function according to the given parameters and when you need a function that has some internal state.
Consider the situation with a function that encapsulates an internal state:
function f_with_counter(fn)
call_count = 0
ncalls() = call_count
# invoke() будет подсчитывать, сколько раз она вызвана
# получить это значение можно, вызвав ncalls()
function invoke(args...)
call_count += 1
# возвращаем обе функции как кортеж с именованными полями
# call_count теперь будет извне недоступна напрямую,
# но экспортированные invoke() и call_count() имеют к нему доступ и могут менять
(call = invoke, call_count = ncalls)
julia> abscount = f_with_counter(abs)
(call = getfield(Main, Symbol("#invoke#22")){typeof(abs)}(abs, Core.Box(0)), call_count = getfield(Main, Symbol("#ncalls#21"))(Core.Box(0)))
julia> abscount.call_count()
julia> abscount.call(-20)
julia> abscount.call_count()
julia> abscount.call(im)
julia> abscount.call_count()
Case study: all the same polynomials
In a previous article, the presentation of polynomials as structures is considered. In particular, one of the storage structures is a list of coefficients, starting with the youngest. To calculate a polynomial
at a point, it was x
proposed to call a function evpoly(p, x)
that calculates a polynomial according to Horner's scheme.Full definition code
abstract type AbstractPolynomial end
Polynomial <: AbstractPolynomial
Polynomials written in the canonical form
Polynomial(v::T) where T<:Union{Vector{<:Real}, NTuple{<:Any, <:Real}})
Construct a `Polynomial` from the list of the coefficients. The coefficients are assumed to go from power 0 in the ascending order. If an empty collection is provided, the constructor returns a zero polynomial.
struct Polynomial<:AbstractPolynomial
coeff::NTuple{N, Float64} where N
function Polynomial(v::T where T<:Union{Vector{<:Real},
NTuple{<:Any, <:Real}})
coeff = isempty(v) ? (0.0,) : tuple([Float64(x) for x in v]...)
return new(length(coeff)-1, coeff)
InterpPolynomial <: AbstractPolynomial
Interpolation polynomials in Newton's form
InterpPolynomial(xsample::Vector{<:Real}, fsample::Vector{<:Real})
Construct an `InterpPolynomial` from a vector of points `xsample` and corresponding function values `fsample`. All values in `xsample` must be distinct.
struct InterpPolynomial<:AbstractPolynomial
xval::NTuple{N, Float64} where N
coeff::NTuple{N, Float64} where N
function InterpPolynomial(xsample::X,
fsample::F) where {X<:Union{Vector{<:Real},
NTuple{<:Any, <:Real}},
NTuple{<:Any, <:Real}}}
if !allunique(xsample)
throw(DomainError("Cannot interpolate with duplicate X points"))
N = length(xsample)
if length(fsample) != N
throw(DomainError("Lengths of X and F are not the same"))
coeff = [Float64(f) for f in fsample]
for i = 2:N
for j = 1:(i-1)
coeff[i] = (coeff[j] - coeff[i]) / (xsample[j] - xsample[i])
new(N-1, ntuple(i -> Float64(xsample[i]), N), tuple(coeff...))
function InterpPolynomial(fn, xsample::T) where {T<:Union{Vector{<:Real},
NTuple{<:Any, <:Real}}}
InterpPolynomial(xsample, map(fn, xsample))
function evpoly(p::Polynomial, z::Real)
ans = p.coeff[end]
for idx = p.degree:-1:1
ans = p.coeff[idx] + z * ans
return ans
function evpoly(p::InterpPolynomial, z::Real)
ans = p.coeff[p.degree+1]
for idx = p.degree:-1:1
ans = ans * (z - p.xval[idx]) + p.coeff[idx]
return ans
function Base.:+(p1::Polynomial, p2::Polynomial)
# при сложении нужно учесть, какой должна быть наивысшая степень
deg = max(p1.degree, p2.degree)
coeff = zeros(deg+1)
coeff[1:p1.degree+1] .+= p1.coeff
coeff[1:p2.degree+1] .+= p2.coeff
function Base.:+(p1::InterpPolynomial, p2::InterpPolynomial)
xmax = max(p1.xval..., p2.xval...)
xmin = min(p1.xval..., p2.xval...)
deg = max(p1.degree, p2.degree)
# для построения суммы строим чебышёвскую сетку между минимальным
# и максимальным из узлов обоих полиномов
xmid = 0.5 * xmax + 0.5 * xmin
dx = 0.5 * (xmax - xmin) / cos(0.5 * π / (deg + 1))
chebgrid = [xmid + dx * cos((k - 0.5) * π / (deg + 1)) for k = 1:deg+1]
fsample = [evpoly(p1, x) + evpoly(p2, x) for x in chebgrid]
InterpPolynomial(chebgrid, fsample)
function Base.:+(p1::InterpPolynomial, p2::Polynomial)
xmax = max(p1.xval...)
xmin = min(p1.xval...)
deg = max(p1.degree, p2.degree)
xmid = 0.5 * xmax + 0.5 * xmin
dx = 0.5 * (xmax - xmin) / cos(0.5 * π / (deg + 1))
chebgrid = [xmid + dx * cos((k - 0.5) * π / (deg + 1)) for k = 1:deg+1]
fsample = [evpoly(p1, x) + evpoly(p2, x) for x in chebgrid]
InterpPolynomial(chebgrid, fsample)
function Base.:+(p1::Polynomial, p2::InterpPolynomial)
p2 + p1
Representation of a polynomial in the form of a structure does not fully correspond to its intuitive understanding as a mathematical function. But with the help of returning the functional value, polynomials can also be specified directly as functions. So it was:
struct Polynomial
coeff::NTuple{N, Float64} where N
function Polynomial(v::T where T<:Union{Vector{<:Real},
NTuple{<:Any, <:Real}})
# в случае пустого массива / кортежа в аргументе возвращаем P(x) ≡ 0
coeff = isempty(v) ? (0.0,) : tuple([Float64(x) for x in v]...)
# возврат значения - специальным оператором new
# аргументы - перечисление значений полей
return new(length(coeff)-1, coeff)
evpoly(p::Polynomial, z::Real)
Evaluate polynomial `p` at `z` using the Horner's rule
function evpoly(p::Polynomial, z::Real)
ans = p.coeff[end]
for idx = p.degree:-1:1
ans = p.coeff[idx] + z * ans
return ans
We transform this definition into a function that takes an array / tuple of coefficients and returns the actual function that computes the polynomial:
function Polynomial_as_closure(v::T where T<:Union{Vector{<:Real},
NTuple{<:Any, <:Real}})
# в случае пустого массива / кортежа в аргументе возвращаем P(x) ≡ 0
if isempty(v)
return x::Real -> 0.0
coeff = tuple(map(float, v)...)
degree = length(coeff) - 1
function evpoly(z::Real)
ans = coeff[end]
for idx = degree:-1:1
ans = coeff[idx] + z * ans
return ans
julia> p = Polynomial_as_closure((0, 1, 1)) # x² + x
(::getfield(Main, Symbol("#evpoly#28")){Tuple{Float64,Float64,Float64},Int64}) (generic function with 1 method)
julia> p(1) # ура, можно обойтись без evpoly()!
julia> p(11)
Similarly, you can write a function for the interpolation polynomial.
An important question: was there something that was lost in the new definition in the previous definition? Unfortunately, yes - defining a polynomial as a structure gave hints for the compiler, and for us it was possible to overload arithmetic operators for this structure. Unfortunately, Julia does not provide for functions of such a powerful type system.
Fortunately, in this case we can take the best of both worlds, since Julia allows you to create so-called callable structs. Those. You can specify a polynomial as a structure, but be able to call it as a function! To the definitions of structures from the previous article, you just need to add:
function (p::Polynomial)(z::Real)
evpoly(p, z)
function (p::InterpPolynomial)(z::Real)
evpoly(p, z)
Using functional arguments, you can also add an external constructor of an interpolation polynomial for a certain function constructed from a set of points:
function InterpPolynomial(fn, xsample::T) where {T<:Union{Vector{<:Real},
NTuple{<:Any, <:Real}}}
InterpPolynomial(xsample, map(fn, xsample))
We verify the definition
julia> psin = InterpPolynomial(sin, [0, π/6, π/2, 5*π/6, π]) # интерполяция синуса
InterpPolynomial(4, (0.0, 0.5235987755982988, 1.5707963267948966, 2.6179938779914944, 3.141592653589793), (0.0, 0.954929658551372, -0.30396355092701327, -0.05805276197975913, 0.036957536116863636))
julia> pcos = InterpPolynomial(cos, [0, π/6, π/2, 5*π/6, π]) # интерполяция косинуса
InterpPolynomial(4, (0.0, 0.5235987755982988, 1.5707963267948966, 2.6179938779914944, 3.141592653589793), (1.0, -0.2558726308373678, -0.36358673785585766, 0.1388799037738005, 5.300924469105863e-17))
julia> psum = pcos + psin
InterpPolynomial(4, (3.141592653589793, 2.5416018461576297, 1.5707963267948966, 0.5999908074321635, 0.0), (-1.0, -1.2354929267138448, 0.03888175053443867, 0.1969326657535598, 0.03695753611686364))
julia> for x = range(0, π, length = 20)
println("Error at x = ", x, ": ", abs(psum(x) - (sin(x) + cos(x))))
Error at x = 0.0: 0.0
Error at x = 0.3490658503988659: 0.002748366490382681
Error at x = 0.6981317007977318: 0.0031870524474437723
Error at x = 1.0471975511965976: 0.006538414090220712
Error at x = 1.3962634015954636: 0.0033647273630357244
Error at x = 1.7453292519943295: 0.003570894863996865
Error at x = 2.0943951023931953: 0.007820939854677023
Error at x = 2.443460952792061: 0.004305934583281101
Error at x = 2.792526803190927: 0.00420977797025246
Error at x = 3.141592653589793: 1.1102230246251565e-16
Opportunities borrowed from functional programming in Julia give a more expressive language compared to a purely imperative style. Representation of structures in the form of functions is a way of more convenient and natural recording of mathematical concepts.