Product Design Digest, December 2018

    The digest collects fresh articles on interface design, as well as tools, patterns, cases and historical stories since 2009. I carefully filter a large stream of subscriptions so that you can upgrade your professional skills and better solve work tasks. Previous issues: April 2010-November 2018 .

    Product Design Digest, December 2018

    Patterns and best practices

    UX Playbook for Retail

    Google posted a training manual with the best practices of mobile online stores. They disassembled many famous brands.

    Adam Wathan & Steve Schoger - Refactoring UI - The Book

    A book about interface design for non-designers by Adam Wathan & Steve Schoger. They gave tips on how to improve frequency patterns and typical situations on Twitter, and now put it in a simple reminder with templates.

    If you leave me now

    Kinneret Yifrah text writing tips for unsubscribe screens or product use in general. Many try to soften or shame the customer, but his refusal is not always associated with the product itself and it is important to show understanding.

    A UX Guide For Designing Error Pages

    A simple and useful reminder on the design of useful service error pages from Alana Brajdic. Checklist with user questions and examples of answers to them.

    Creating UI text that translates

    Tips for writing texts in the interface, taking into account the localization of Jen Schaefer from Google.

    Resisting the Dark Magic in User-Interface Design

    Steve Turbek from Goldman Sachs deals with gestures in mobile OS - they are difficult to detect and not always convenient to use.

    The UX of Restaurant Websites

    Jeff Sauro talks about a comparative study of the usability of restaurant sites with food delivery.

    Breadcrumbs - 11 Design Guidelines for Desktop and Mobile

    Page Laubheimer of the Nielsen / Norman Group tells how to make the right bread crumbs.

    Design systems and guidelines

    Fresh Island Motion Design Guidelines

    Insanely cool example of guidelines on motion-design for Fresh Island. A number of typical situations are shown, and the animation has a corporate character.

    Generating multi-brand multi-platform icons with Sketch and Node.js script

    Badoo's Cristiano Rastelli from Badoo talks about exporting icons from Sketch to their Cosmos design system. The company has several products, so the approach supports thematic. Part 2 .

    Style Dictionary - Style once, use everywhere. A build system for creating cross-platform styles

    A simple framework for creating design systems using tokens. The presentation of the author, Danny Banks from Amazon .

    Other libraries and examples of using tokens:

    Writing copy for landing pages

    Chic gadline on the texts for promotional sites from Stripe. They parse several pages and apply guidelines to them.

    "Accessible" Design Systems Don't Guarantee Accessible Products

    Nathan Curtis writes about holistic support for users with disabilities in design systems.

    Authoring Component Documentation

    Nathan Curtis continues his series on the documentation of components in design systems and gives advice on the correct approach to the process and examines the myths and prejudices about the process .

    Guide for creating interface texts for Sberbank

    Studio Pavlova Dog talks about creating a guideline on the interface text for Sberbank.

    State of Design Systems 2018

    Figma, together with the organizers of the Clarity conference, conducted a survey of 499 designers working on design systems. Their opinions are collected in the report, although the confusion with the concept of “component” continues (naturally, for Figma, this is just a thing in the design template, not a piece of code).

    Unified illustrations in digital products

    The unified style of illustrations for Slack, which appeared in 2017, is an unconditional hit that half of the companies actively reproduce. It allows in a playful form to combine humanity (people are displayed entirely and in the plots) and to show the key metaphors of the product (objects and parts of the interface). Well, just a typical trend, for which everyone ran, grappled with a train - there are other stylistics that solve these problems.


    Alice Lee, who started a wave commissioned by Slack, spoke about the work on the project. The starting mindboard, intermediate variations, library of typical objects and a large gallery of results - individually and in detail.

    At the end of the article Alice gives good advice for those who are looking for their style. Now several generators of stock illustrations have appeared, which greatly reduce the cost of their creation and make them accessible to more companies (and cloning, of course, kills the diversity and value of one’s own face):

    Humaaans and Drawkit

    Cheaply repeat Slack style.


    We collect the isometry on the template once or twice.

    Of course, it was possible to get a stock result on Shutterstock or Getty Images, they have long been flooded with the Internet. The new generation of designers at least gives the integrity of the approach - it is easier to assemble your plot from ready-made objects.

    But if you want to express your brand in illustrations, and not just put a story plug - you need to look for your language. The article Alice has a small seed on the subject. Well, in the last issue of the mini-digest there were many examples .

    Of course, it is useful to study the trends: Creative Bloq just released a review . Good luck finding yourself!

    MS Office 365 Brand Film

    Microsoft posted a more complete video of the current vision of the Fluent design system.

    Material design

    A section devoted to branded forms of interface elements appeared in the guidelines . Dave Chiu shows how this helps reveal the brand’s visual language , and David Allin Reese how to change buttons .

    Understanding the user

    Special Bank - Sberbank's Guideline

    Guidelines on the availability of interfaces for users with disabilities from Sberbank. Explanatory detailed checklist.

    Accessibility guidelines for UX Designers

    A good and capacious checklist on optimizing interfaces for users with disabilities from Avinash Kaur.

    What Is The Role Of Creativity In UX Design?

    Susan Weinschenk describes the principles of the brain during the solution of creative tasks. It is not in the alternate work of the right and left hemispheres, but in the principles of three-level information processing.

    The anchoring principlele

    Therese Fessenden from the Nielsen / Norman Group gives examples of the use of the psychological method of “anchoring” in interfaces. He often justifies a higher price.

    Designing for Interaction Modes

    Andrew Grimes describes the concept of user interaction with the product. It shows when the user makes a decision himself, and when he needs help.

    Using A Screen Reader

    Chris Ashton tried to use the program to read the site content out loud. Problems in well-known services above the roof.

    Designing for Kids - Cognitive Considerations

    Another piece about interface design for kids from the Nielsen / Norman Group. Feifei Liu gives advice on taking into account the features of different age periods - cognitive abilities and motor skills are limited in the early years.

    What does “Hiring” mean? (And Why Say That?)

    Alan Klement explains what it means to “hire” a product in the Jobs to Be Done method.

    Consistency in Design is the strong approach

    Jared Spool offers to talk not about "consistency", but about how current user knowledge will help him in working with your interface.

    Information architecture, conceptual design, content strategy

    Daniele Catalanotto - Service Design Principles 1–100

    Daniele Catalanotto's free book on designing services. Written so that to use these ideas do not need a deep knowledge of this difficult subject area. Practically in any service there are low-hanging fruits - problems that can be fixed in a cheap and fast way, but with a significant effect. This book will help find such fruits. In fact, this is a checklist of typical situations in the design of services with options for their decisions.

    Design and design of interface screens


    The tool allows you to get code for the web and native Android and iOS applications from Sketch, Adobe XD, Photoshop and Balsamiq layouts (on the Figma approach).

    Adobe XD

    Graeme Fulton reviewed the voice interface prototyping capabilities . All this is wrapped in a smart overview of the market itself and the features of communication with voice assistants. Similar article from Nikolay Babich and demo with Adobe MAX .

    Shane Williams made a pack of simple and clear examples of using the new auto-animation feature in Adobe XD . What screen conditions are needed for each of the prototypes.


    Simplified ability to work with dialogs and pop-up layers in prototypes and export to PDF - now you can make presentations or prepare resources for iOS.


    Unusual approach to the design tool - it focuses on a large library of components that can be downloaded and modified for themselves.


    The command shows how prototyping is simplified due to the built-in states of the components .


    We launched a gallery of examples of well-made sites showing the capabilities of the platform.


    Another visual site builder based on Bootstrap. Allows you to collect a page from standard blocks and draw it.

    InVision Studio

    A collection of learning materials from Matt D. Smith .


    The most simple online service for designing interfaces.


    A new tool for illustrations and their subsequent animation. Announcement from the authors .

    User research and testing, analytics

    10 UX Research

    A simple and powerful approach to choosing user research methods from David Travis from UserFocus. It is based on the classic 2 × 2 matrices and offers 10 points of view on different tasks.

    6 Tips to Keep in Mind for Iterative Usability Testing

    Paula Barraza shares tips for conducting rapid iterative user interface testing. How to conduct sessions, record the results and communicate with the team.

    Visual programming and browser design


    The plugin for Chrome allows you to change the page layout in a more visual form than the built-in Code Inspector. Memo on working with him from Adam Argyle and a review of similar plug-ins .

    New scripts

    Work with color

    Shapy : Another tool for getting rich gradients on CSS.

    Metrics and ROI

    Complexity Analysis for UX Research at IBM

    IBM's Gabriella Campagna talks about an interface complexity analysis method that the team uses to evaluate improvements and comparisons with competitors. On the basis of the checklist, it shows where the problem areas in the script.

    The One Number You Need To Grow (A Replication)

    Jeff Sauro repeated the study of Fred Reichheld, author of the NPS metric, to verify its validity. In general, everything is so - profit is justified in the past and with a future probability of 30%.

    UX strategy and management

    Course "Design Management Patterns"

    He launched a course on digital product design management at Bang Bang Education. I am working on a book based on my series of articles and have already collected a draft in a new structure. The main idea is to describe the methods and practices of design management in a patterning format, approximately as usual typical interface solutions. In this form, they are easier to use in the right situation - there are step by step instructions and indications / contraindications for use. This means that advanced approaches can be applied even by those who are just starting.

    In recent years, the demand for design managers has been growing - companies have pumped up their internal product teams, and there are more designers. It raises the question of how to make their work connected, which organizational structures are better for this, how to raise and motivate them, how to make the quality of their work predictable - and this list is very long.

    We have come a good way in Mail.Ru Group and although there is still a lot of work ahead, it’s hard not to notice the changes that have already happened and their dynamics. Many companies are just starting their way - for example, banks and telecoms gradually take design expertise inward, and our transformation began about this 8-9 years ago.

    If you want to start or accelerate changes in the design of your company - let's go to the course. Classes start on February 26th.

    Irene Au

    Interview with Irene Au from the Khosla Ventures Venture Fund about her experience in the development of design in companies of different types and stages of maturity. She actively helps startups and sees many different situations.

    How we built the Figma design team

    Noah Levin talks about the Figma design team's competency map. The format is a popular petal diagram. They published their template for profile card designers .

    Designing a Better Career Path for Designers

    Facebook's Siva Sabaretnam describes its vision of a competency map and career path for designers.

    How UX Works with Product Teams at Lucid

    Taylor Palmer from Lucid Software talks about integrating the design team into a common grocery. How the interaction format changed as the company grew.

    Design debt

    Audrey Crane describes the essence of design debt and lists the problems in product development that it leads to.

    Team interaction

    Atlassian Team Playbook - Team Building Activities that Work

    Atlassian published a training manual on methods of teamwork and interface design in general.

    Bonus: Templates are available in RealtimeBoard .

    Methodologies, procedures, standards

    Connecting User Experience, Customer Experience, and Brand Experience

    Hye-jin Lee, Katie Kahyun Lee and Junho Choi conducted a study on the link between User Experience, Customer Experience and Brand Experience. They also collected a breakthrough of previous works on the topic, so it will turn out a useful portal into the knowledge accumulated by the profession. The article looks great, but a significant part is devoted to the research methodology and can be skipped.

    What is Design Thinking, Really? (What Practitioners Say)

    Sarah Gibbons from the Nielsen / Norman Group asked UX specialists about their understanding of design thinking. It turned out a good cut of different meanings that are embedded in the term. They promise more detailed materials in pursuit.


    Duolingo redesigned owl to guilt-trip you even harder

    Review of the redesign of Duolingo and his brand new character, which increased the involvement of users.

    Evolution of a Landing Page - Website Design for Startups

    An interesting example of how the promo page of a simple startup changed throughout the year.


    50 years of The Mother of All Demos: how Douglas Engelbart came up with (almost) everything

    December 9th is the 50th anniversary of the most important technological presentation in the history and history of interfaces in general. Douglas Engelbart arranged for The Mother of All Demos , where he showed the basics of modern computers as working-home tools and interfaces. Then they developed them in Xerox PARC, then their noobs are attributed to Apple. One of the best articles for the anniversary of Marc Weber , in which he examines the background, the fate of the project and the connection to the Internet.


    Market statistics (Quarter III 2018)

    21.7% - growth in the supply of wearable devices in the world

    Trends 2019

    Since the fall of such collections, more than one hundred have come out, but these best show where to move in 2019. Good luck in differentiating your brands (and collecting likes on Dribbble).

    Bonus: what was promised for 2018 .


    Have released their annual review of trends. They are, as always, more technological than design. In the summer I was visiting their London office and Esther Duran told about the work on the report . They collect the opinions of 1000 employees and 85 clients on 5 continents in order to find insights and highlight patterns in a wide range of areas (society, politics, professional sectors). As a result, there are about 70 trends, 10 of which are published outside.


    Announced the color of 2019 - coral. Jokes on a typical day at Dribbble next year have already gone .

    Milo themes

    As always make the best and most comprehensive reviews.

    UX Collective

    They focus on professional life, rather than specific technological or visual trends.


    The beginning is fairly standard, but a lot of really fresh things are noted.


    About colors.


    About photos.

    Creative bloq

    About illustrations.

    Saffron Predictions for 2019

    Rather sensible branding development forecasts from the team of the iconic agency Saffron.

    Trust 2030 - How will we trust in the future?

    Method and Hitachi made a forecast on the topic of "trust" in the future.

    5 Trends for 2019

    Trendwatching Forecast.

    Algorithmic design

    AI faithfully recreate

    The MIT experiment recreates pictures using 3D printing.


    The tool turns the interface sketches on paper into fairly neat sketch layouts. I have been following alpha and beta versions for a long time, an excellent application of the Airbnb idea for a wide range of designers.

    Sneaker generator

    Generator design sneakers.

    For general and professional development

    Shaping design

    Jason Mesut - master of turning any interface concepts into visual models. He collected all his articles on a topic in a single blog. One of the latest describes problems with the interpretation of "empathy" among designers . And an intelligent model to account for all who are important to work on the product.

    Thinking in Triplicate

    Erika Hall is a fitrid longrid on the topic of design ethics in making product decisions and in general limits of possibilities. She recommends comparing user value and business benefits in the early design stages so that there is no gap between them.

    Product Design - Expectations vs Reality

    A good bundle of advice-guides on the correct approach to the work of the product designer from Eugen Eşanu. The second part .

    Design Exchange by InVision

    InVision launched another community, this time for top designers.

    Conference proceedings

    Video from DesignOps Summit 2018

    The design management conference DesignOps Summit 2018 from Rosenfeld Media was held in New York on November 7-9. The organizers posted a video of speeches (last digest was a report on it ).

    Subscribe to a digest on Facebook , VKontakte , Telegram or by mail - there fresh links appear every week. Thanks to everyone who shares the links in the group, especially Gennady Dragun, Pavel Skripkin, Dmitry Podluzhny, Anton Artyomov, Denis Efremov, Alexey Kopylov, Taras Brizitsky, Yevgeny Sokolov and Anton Oleynik.

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