Fleye - a new example of a safe copter for others

Recall that the exhibition was held in Las Vegas from January 6 to 9. and 23 companies presented their projects. In our opinion, one of the projects is worthy of special attention, it turns over all ideas about how a multicopter should be.
This copter, whose development team has already collected € 314,080 on Kickstarter , presented its project as the safest copter in the world. Its name is Fleye, its peculiarity lies in its unique design and construction.
We are all used to the fact that there are quadrocopters, hexacopters, octocopters, etc. But the Fleye development team did not become attached to the usual kind of multicopters dictated to us by DJI, creating a kind of flying sphere. It consists of a durable plastic spherical frame, sheathed with impact-resistant material. Weight is only 450 grams, and the blades of this copter are hidden inside, which makes it so safe when it collides with a person.

Fleye resembles a soccer ball in its shape and size. In a ball of 23 cm diameter, the developers placed a 1500 mAh battery, which is enough for a flight of up to 10 minutes, stuffed with GPS and optical flow sensors, there is also an accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, sonar and altimeter.

Fleye is stuffed with a dual-core AMR Cortex-A9 processor and 512 MB of RAM. And all this works under the control of the Linux operating system, which supports the OpenCV library, which allows you to program the drone to perform an autonomous flight, reacting to what it sees in its environment.

Equipped with a 5 MP 1080p (30 fps) camera, Fleye is capable of captivating photos. To do this, you just need to set the height for it and the point at which it needs to hang, it rises and starts to rotate 360 °, capturing the panorama around. For selfie lovers, the drone is able to move away at a given distance and smoothly return to you by taking a photo or video. In addition, Fleye is able to deal with winds of up to 2 m / s and just soar at the indicated point with an accuracy error of 10 cm, and you can safely control the angle of the camera and the height of hovering.
You can control the drone manually using, for example, your smartphone or a special gamepad that works via Bluetooth. The developers claim that you can literally connect any controller to it.
Fleye has an open platform, so you can either write your own applications for shooting, games with a drone, etc., or download from the developers resource.
Now this drone can be ordered from developers for € 700, the first deliveries are expected in September 2016.
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