PostgreSQL news digest. Issue No. 5

    Feature freeze

    This, of course, is the main event for the community. The fact that the just-concluded commit festival did not go through does not get into the PostgreSQL version 11.

    What froze on feature freeze
    This is our summary of the most important patches that got into it.
    Summary, and articles on PostgreSQL 11 have already begun to appear. And then more.

    Waiting for PostgreSQL 11 - Transforms for jsonb to PL / Python and to PL / Perl
    Depeche , that is, Hubert 'depesz' Lubaszewski, writes in his blog about 2 corresponding patches of Anton Bykov from Postgres Professional.

    Postgres 11 highlight - Covering Indexes
    In his blog, Michel Paquier (Michael Paquier) writes about covering indexes (see also ArticleWhat's new in PostgreSQL 11: INCLUDE indexes by Alexander Alekseev from Postgres Professional and comments on it). On the same topic - INCLUDE indexes - Waiting for PostgreSQL 11: Covering + unique indexes article by Alexey Leskovsky from Data Egret.

    Partition Elimination in PostgreSQL 11
    With regard to this major achievement of the 11 th version writes in his article, David Rowley (David Rowley) of 2ndQuadrant.

    About another patch that took place in PostgreSQL 11, writes in the article What's New in PostgreSQL 11: the built-in web search is the same Alexander Alekseev.

    Manipulating checksums of a cluster
    Michelle Paquier writes about another patchPostgreSQL 11. The patch checks the page checksums after a regular cluster stop. Moreover, he offers his utility pg_checksums based on this patch.

    Website redesign

    How do you like the new design of , readers?


    BDR 3.0
    Just 2ndQuadrant announced the release of BDR 3.0. Details are not yet available even on the site. Only in a group on Facebook.

    pgAdmin 4 version 3.0
    Developers (pgAdmin Development Team) claim that the release of more than 100 innovations and corrections.
    Among the innovations:
    • you can sort the data directly in edit mode
    • support for working with pg_service.conf files
    • Greenplum support

    Distributions are available for Windows and macOS, as well as Python Wheel, Docker Container, and source code. Download here . After a few days, RPM and DEB packages should appear.

    Pgpool-II 3.7.3
    This release can be found here . Source codes and RPMs can be downloaded here . The Pgpool Guide with PostgreSQL has
    just appeared . Part I on the Severalnines Blog. Part 2 will also include failover clusters.

    pgmetrics 1.2
    This is a new version of the command line application that allows you to retrieve and visualize PostgreSQL metrics.



    On April 6 and 7 in Ulyanovsk the VII International IT-conference “Strike” was held. There were already 14 sections-topics, among which for the first time were presented: design, business, IoT and - of course - blockchain. Backend development flow, Highload, DevOps, DataBase was opened by Oleg Bartunov . And closed the brain-ring Anatoly Wesserman - with their development forecasts until the year 2050.

    Mitap RuPostgres Live 8
    This time Nikolay Samokhvalov suggested discussing problems with fsync, Postgres 11 feature freeze and the adventures of the MERGE patch. And also "a steady increase in the popularity of Postgres among startups (and not only)." Over an hour of video on youtube .

    Future conferences in Russia

    DevConf 2018
    This year, the conference will be held May 18-19 in Moscow at Digital October.

    Highload ++ Siberia
    This year Highload ++ will be held at the Expocenter of Novosibirsk on June 25 and 26.

    Festival “Russian Internet Technologies” 2018 and all conferences included in it will be held in Moscow on May 28 and 29 at the Skolkovo School of Management

    outside of Russia

    PGConfNepal 2018 is
    scheduled for May 4-5 in Nepal at Kathmandu University.

    PGCon 2018 in Ottawa will be held May 29 - June 1.

    Swiss PGDay 2018 will be held in Rapperswil, near Zurich on June 29. Applications are accepted until April 14, registration until June 28.

    PGConf.Brazil 2018 will be held in Sao Paolo on August 3-4.

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    Previous issues: # 4 , # 3 , # 2 , # 1

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