New rumors about a cheaper version of the iPhone

    Today, a whirlwind of rumors about a new, cheaper version of the iPhone, which may be released this summer, swept through Western news resources *. Or not released, but work is underway on it. This may be good news, including for us, residents of the CIS, who do not have good operators who distribute iPhones for a small percentage of their value, and the prices for new neverlock devices are even higher than in the USA. The author remains skeptical of rumors, since Steve Jobs spoke about such a version in 2009, and in February 2011 there was a flurry of rumors about active work on the cheap version. But I share the facts accumulated from various sources.


    Of the main cheaper elements are called: a plastic, not an aluminum case, some parts can be used from earlier versions of the iPhone - but the cheaper version will look like the original.

    In more developed countries, obsolete versions with 2-year contracts cost from $ 0 to $ 99 and become more accessible to all segments of the population, but this does not apply to huge regions where the available cheap versions are mostly used or unlocked devices of the past generation. Cheaper iPhone would greatly increase the user base in these regions, where you need to pay for a smartphone right away, and often cheaper phones on Android are given priority. Dozens of sources call the price of the new device $ 99- $ 149, analysts call the cost $ 200- $ 250.

    Announcing and selling more than one new version of the iPhone is not an Apple practice. But we did not expect the announcement of two versions of the iPad at the same time, but we received it not so long ago.

    A few statistical facts from various sources (with reference to IDC):
    • About 48% of Apple’s revenue is directly related to iPhone and relevant products and services
    • Over the past 2 quarters, Apple shares fell 25%
    • Over the history of more than 270 million iPhones sold
    • Over the past year, the ratio of iPhone to other smartphones in the user market has declined from 23% to 14.6%.

    Well, we believe - we don't? We wait!

    * The main reliable sources Bloomberg, The Wall Street journal. Futuristic picture

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