- Choose an Expert and Consult Now


    Harnarod, your attention is a new startup , whose ideological inspirer and main implementer is your humble servant.


    I think most of you have encountered a problem when you need to quickly get a qualified answer to your question. For example, you are going to an interview at the embassy tomorrow, obtaining a visa is very important for you, and you need to quickly prepare for it. You asked your questions on the forum, but you were answered only a part of them, and after reading the answers you had even more questions. You have found a law firm that is ready to help, but they are on the other side of the city and work until 19.00, and you can’t leave for a long time.

    The essence of the project

    The service is a community of experts in various fields: jurisprudence, medicine, psychology, and others. You see experts in each category and you can start chatting with any of them in video chat. If the expert is now at the computer, not necessarily on the site, he will immediately see your message in the consultant's agent. After talking with the expert for some time, you understand that he is competent in your question, click on the “Hire an expert” button and from that moment you start paying him for every minute of communication.


    Monetization of the service is very simple - we take a commission from each consultation.


    Experts are interested not only in using the service, but also in attracting new visitors to their website page. After all, this is PR, earnings and new customers. In order to facilitate this task for experts, we suggest that they place buttons on the expert profile in blogs on forums, ... yes even in business cards. For example, a button on an expert profile might look like this

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