Hello Rails

Recently I watched on television a popular science program about how "climate has changed the course of history." And in this regard, I want to add that if climate change was not the only cause of certain historical events, then, of course, their influence cannot be ruled out.

Actually, the weather can also be a catalyst for changes in society, when, for example, public service workers remove three times as much snow in a month as they did in the whole winter in previous years. This is a concrete example of such changes in utilities.

Then, apparently, the involvement of any tool software, the fruit of human thought, in our lives is no less remarkable. Further on this will be discussed.

Moreover, not about the role of tooling in general, but a specific Ruby on Rails framework. Moreover, in order not to talk about him as a kind of “black box”, I will start by creating a simple web blog project, which is dedicated to the beginner’s guide, which consists entirely of the first chapter of the full Rails tutorial.

Screenshot 1. My first Rails application.

Well, about the “few words” guide itself. First, by reading this guide, you can make a project. Here the causal relationship is obvious. Secondly, after that you can read another book about agile development on Rails and create an online store that is written about in it (this book is a textbook).

The connection between the weblog project and the online store project is not so obvious: realizing that to create your own blog it is not necessary to create a Ruby project when there are social networks, I wanted something more ...

And so on.

A CRM system for working with ticket tickets in the technical support department of an Internet provider, or IPs for a network of pharmacies can be created using Rails. The use of this or that software has its consequences for the IP operator, system engineer, management and, as a result, for subscribers or customers.

For example, the number of workstation operators performing their job duties, as well as the workload of the technical support department of these same workstations, may depend on the performance of the user's workstation at a particular time. The fact that IP is cross-platform can determine the qualifications of the system engineers serving it (it is one thing to repair computers with Windows, and quite another is a zoo from Windows, macOS and Linux).

A user's ability to work with a computer may differ when working with a morally obsolete IS written in Delhpi 20 years ago, and when application software was created in the so-called post-computer era.

This is not a dogma, but just an example: in some hypothetical case, AWS on Windows may work better than on Linux; also, the user can get used to the existing CRM and not be familiar with a smartphone or an Internet tablet, or the existing IP, despite the service life, is very well done.

You can come up with something more radical: a radical change in the logic of the IP when switching to Rails and conducting training for employees with subsequent testing, according to the results of which someone will be fired.

In conclusion, we can fantasize about the consequences of the transition to Rails development for the programmer. Firstly, you still need to repeatedly refer to the full Rails guide with more than 800 pages.

Secondly, they are not limited to it. There are also books on Rails and other resources. And about the qualities of Rails programmers. This is the third point. If for some reason you want to work as a Rails programmer, you will have to go through an interview, and fill out a questionnaire on it, in which there will certainly be questions about something like that.

During the step-by-step tutorial for beginners, I saw at least 5 mistakes, so such a quality as a sense of purpose would not hurt ...

Screenshot 2. One of the mistakes that I saw was going through the guide step by step

And fourthly, again in connection with work. Especially you should not rely on help from colleagues and working documentation, because Rails "allows you to write less code" and even a better understanding of this self-written code is clearly not enough without knowledge of Rails.

Of course, over time, Rails projects will become obsolete and replaced with something better. How long their service life will be depends on how well they are made, and also, possibly, on other factors not related to the quality of the software.

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