Alternatives LastPass. Comparative evaluation of six password managers

Original author: Jonathan Kamens
  • Transfer
UPD: The original version of the article included an assessment of five password managers, which is reflected in the URL and in the text. Later, another Zoho Vault was added to the benchmark table.

For eight and a half years at home and at work, I used LastPass password manager, setting it up just a couple of years after the release of the first version. Therefore, it is logical that, having taken over as vice president of management at Quantopian (and then director of IT security), I introduced LastPass as a corporate password manager. For several years he has satisfied us both in terms of functionality and the quality of support provided by the company.

However, in 2015, LogMeIn acquired LastPassand the situation began to change. Both product quality and support began to deteriorate from the moment of purchase, so now is the moment when we decided to abandon this program and evaluate alternatives.

We created a detailed checklist and checked five password managers for it: LastPass, 1Password , Dashlane , Bitwarden and Keeper . In the end, we decided that Bitwarden would be the best choice for our company, and we began the migration process from LastPass to Bitwarden.

Obviously, our priorities and requirements may not coincide with yours, therefore, below is a description of the functionality on which we focused in our assessment.

Even if our priorities are different from yours, you can still use our assessment! Below is a table with the results [in the original version of the articlethere is an interactive grid that can be customized to leave only those requirements that you need and compare any 2-6 products with specific characteristics - approx. trans.].

Quantopian Password Management Priorities

We use a password manager on Mac OS, Windows, Linux, Android and iOS. It should support all these platforms. Most importantly, full functionality cannot depend on an application that is available only on Mac OS and / or Windows. In other words, the lack of full support for Linux immediately puts an end to the program. This excludes 1Password and Dashlane.

Recently, we started issuing Yubikey tokens to all employees with the requirement to use them for two-factor authentication in all possible applications and services. Although support for YubiKey was not considered as a strict requirement, it also influenced our choice. Of course, we would reject any password manager at all without the support of 2FA. Fortunately, all five products have this kind of support in one form or another.

In addition to working passwords, we recommend employees to use a password manager for personal passwords, and try to simplify this task. Despite various problems with LastPass, we have to admit that their “linked personal account” functionality is the gold standard for this particular problem. Therefore, we evaluated other products in comparison with LastPass on this issue. Dashlane and Keeper poorly solve the problem, the rest offer quite adequate solutions.

Obviously, since we were going to switch from LastPass to a new service, the ability to import data from LastPass was important. Fortunately, all products have this feature.

A number of functions that we have reviewed are relevant only in the corporate (i.e., business) environment. For example, for personal use, you probably will not care about linked personal accounts, detailed access control, or what opportunities the company administrator has, but this is also important for us.

Last but not least, it is important for our password manager to be actively supported and for technical support people to respond to support questions, feature requests and bug reports. We definitely confirm this in the case of Bitwarden. For example, at some point during our evaluation, we submitted a Bitwarden error report through their Github; one of the maintenants fixed the bug after 17 minutes , and just a few days later the patch went into release.

Interactive grid with benchmarks

In an interactive table with comparative assessments , all items in the checklist are displayed by default. But if you scroll down, you can uncheck the boxes with unnecessary characteristics and / or select two specific programs for comparison.


Function1Password Dashlane BitwardenLastPassKeeperZoho Vault
Chrome supportYesYesYesYesYesYes
Firefox supportYesYesYesYesYesYes
Edge support YesYesYesYesYesnot
Safari support YesYesYesYesYesYes
Mac OS support YesYesYesYesYesYes
Windows supportYesYesYesYesYesYes
Linux support weaklyweaklyYesYesYesYes
Mac OS console client weaklynotYesweaklyYesnot
Windows console client weaklynotYesweaklyYesnot
Linux console client weaklynotYesweaklyYesnot
Android support, with auto-complete YesYesYesYesYesweakly
Android Chrome AutoComplete YesYesYesYesYesnot
Android autocomplete work profile YesYesnotYesYesYes
Android autocomplete shows full usernames YesYesYesYesnotnot
IOS support, including auto-complete YesYesYesYesYesYes
Two-factor authentication YesYesYesYesYesYes
YubiKey support in browser (Enterprise) notnotYesYesYesnot
YubiKey support in browser (Personal)notnotYesYesYesnot
YubiKey support in AndroidnotnotYesYesnotnot
YubiKey support in iOSnotnotYesYesnotnot
Saving passwords in Android YesYesYesYesYesYes
Saving passwords in iOSYesYesYesYesYesYes
Fingerprint login to AndroidYesYesYesYesYesYes
Fingerprint login in iOSYesYesYesYesYesYes
Sync between devices YesYesYesYesYesYes
Import from LastPass YesYesYesYesYesYes
Differences in work and personal profiles when importing from LastPass notnotnotYesnotnot
Saving the folders LastPass folders in some form when importing YesdoubtfulYesYesYesYes
Linking a personal account (or equivalent) YesweaklyYesYesnotnot
Save location (work / home) at the time of creation YesnotYesYesnotnot
Save location (folder / collection / space) edited in web application YesnotYesYesYesYes
Meaningful verification of master password strength YesnotYesYesYesYes
Linux password history YesnotYesYesYesYes
Windows password history YesYesYesYesYesYes
Password History on Mac OS YesYesYesYesYesYes
Secure notesYesYesYesYesYesweakly
Attachments to notes in LinuxnotnotYesYesYesYes
Attachments to notes in Windows YesYesYesYesYesYes
Attachments to notes in Mac OS YesYesYesYesYesYes
Shared folders with access control on Linux YesnotYesYesYesYes
Shared folders with access control on Windows YesYesYesYesYesYes
Shared folders with access control on Mac OS YesYesYesYesYesYes
Different groups with customizable access control notnotYesnotYesYes
Subfolders notnotYesYesYesweakly
Confronting invisible forms of autocompletionYesYesYesnotYesunknown
The browser plugin fills only the specified form. notunknownnotnotunknownYes
Browser plugin displays icon in form margins YesYesnotYesYesYes
Browser plugin offers to save new sites on Linux notYesYesYesYesYes
Browser plugin offers to save new sites on Windows unknownYesYesYesYesYes
Browser plugin offers to save new sites on Mac OS unknownYesYesYesYesYes
2FA support when authorizing in the password store notnotYesnotnotnot
Autocompletion in the browser is disabled by default. YesnotYesnotnotYes
Autofilling in the browser can be disabled YesnotYesYesYesYes
Administrator can reset passwords YesYesnotYesnotnot
The administrator has access to the private data of other users. YesnotnotYesYesnot
Admins can reinstall 2FA usersYesnotnotYesnotYes
2FA can be enforced at the corporate level notnotnotYesYesYes
It is possible to audit 2FA at the organization level YesnotYesYesYesnot
Export to Linux notnotYesYesYesYes
Export under Windows YesYesYesYesYesYes
Export under Mac OS YesYesYesYesYesYes
Attachment export unknownunknownnotnotnotnot
Response to bug reports and feature requests notunknownYesnotnotunknown
Open source notnotYesnotnotnot
There is a self-host function weaklynotYesnotnotnot
Corporate license, month7.99 four 3 6 3.75 3.6
Cost per user, month (without attachments or YubiKey) 2.99 4.99 0 2 2.5 0
Cost per user, per month (with attachments and YubiKey) 2.99 4.99 0.84 2 2.5 0
Is the page with the service status informative?YesYesnotYesnotYes
The number of service drops in the last 6 months one 12 0 12 0 2

What do you think?

Did you make a similar assessment for yourself or your company? If so, what was the final choice and what are the decisive factors?

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