The digest of fresh materials from the world of the front-end for the last week No. 279 (September 4 - 10, 2017)

    We bring to your attention a selection with links to new materials from the frontend area and around it.

        Media     |    Web Development     |    CSS     |    Javascript     |    Browsers     |    Entertaining


    podcastPodcast "Web Standards" # 84: New Safari and Chrome, Firefox compatibility, Yarn 1.0, how to break grids and why not need resets.
    podcastPodcast “Frontend Weekend” # 18 - Travel to Minsk and discuss reports on CSS-Minsk-JS
    podcastPodcast “Five Minutes React” # 34: Moscow Frontend Conference 2017 and BEM React Core
    podcastPodcast “devschacht”: Night Frontend # 3
    podcastPodcast “Frontend Youth (18+)” # 18 How Lyokha didn’t get on Booking: Procrastination, interview on Booking, Private data of ES6 classes, async_hooks
    podcastPodcast “Drinkcast”, Issue # 7 - “All front- endors get to St. Petersburg”
    video.getInstance:“Promises in JavaScript”
    videoVideo reports from the ChernivtsiJS # 3 conference , held on June 10, 2017
    videoenFresh release of the Supercharged show about the new Font-Display property, which improves the speed of loading web fonts
    videoenFresh release of the Totally Tooling Tips show about tool lighthouse

    Web development - a site where you can see upcoming international conferences on the front end
    enVirtual reality guide for web developers
    enAbout the features and organization of the front end on
    enExamples of what I do every day as a front end developer . Developer blog from IoT company
    enHow to choose a framework for car2go car sharing service
    enLazy asynchronous rasterization of SVG . Jake Archibald shows how to rasterize SVG with createImageBitmap
    Weekly selection of beautiful effects on CSS / SVG / JS # 52


    habrReduced properties . Why set a picture via background-image if you can just write background?
    encodepenA collection of tips for organizing interfaces from Steve Schoger, in HTML and CSS
    enAn online generator of the Critical Path CSS
    enZen is easy to write CSS . A note from Rich Harris, where he talks about how the biggest CSS problems can be solved without CSS-in-JS


    video8 Mistakes in Learning JavaScript - Web Developer Blog Video
    JavaScript and SEO: Does Google Crawl JavaScript?
    [[] [[]] + []] [+ []] [++ [+ []] [+ []]] - this is “n” in JavaScript
    7 tips for handling “undefined” in JavaScript
    Basic a set of JavaScript algorithms: for beginners
    enJavascript: a curious case with Null> = 0
    • An enironic story about the leadership of each JavaScript framework written more than 5 minutes ago
    enHow I convinced our technical director to switch from CoffeeScript to ES6
    enReact vs Angular: a detailed comparison


    ChromeThe release of the Chrome 61 web browser
    Firefoxen9 things you didn't know about in Firefox Dev Tools
    ChromehabrAn overview of all the Chrome DevTools developer tools
    ChromeenHow to debug JavaScript using Chrome DevTools
    ChromeIn Chrome 63, there will be a means of informing about attempts to intercept HTTPS
    Opera creator blamed Google hindering Opera and Vivaldi


    Matt Mullenweg described the problems associated with Gutenberg and confirmed that the new editor will appear in WordPress 5.0
    The company-owner Trello and Jira launched the corporate messenger Stride
    Facebook launched the service for meeting friends in the spirit of Badoo and Tinder
    Cryptocurrency: current status and development prospects
    Mentoring in IT: what to do if you were assigned a junior
    How to protect a web application: basic tips, tools, useful links
    How Google secretly finances academic research. For Your Own Benefit
    For heaven’s sake, write on the main site what your company does.

    We apologize for any typos or broken / duplicated links. If you notice a problem - please write in a personal email, we try to quickly fix them.

    Digest last week
    Material prepared dersmoll and alekskorovin

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