Solving Japanese Crosswords with SAT Solver

    On Habré there were several articles on solving Japanese crosswords, where the authors came up with various ways to solve such crosswords. In the commentary on the article Solving Japanese Color Crosswords with the Speed ​​of Light, I suggested that since the solution of Japanese crosswords is an NP-complete problem, they must be solved using an appropriate tool, namely the SAT solver. Since my idea was met with very skepticism, I decided to try to implement it and compare the results with other approaches. What came out of this can be found under the cut.

    As you know, the Japanese crossword or nomogram is a logic puzzle in which you need to restore the image in a rectangle using the numbers located to the left in the row headers and on top in the column headers. These numbers correspond to the order and length of the blocks of shaded cells in a row or column, and there must be at least one empty cell between them when blocks are installed. Here I consider only two-color crosswords, where each cell can be either painted over or not. In fact, to solve this problem, it is necessary to find the position of each block. It should be noted that a task may have one or several solutions, as well as no solutions at all. This solver should also report.

    It is easy to understand that the problem is generally over the top and the authors of numerous applications are trying to find the fastest solution algorithm by writing their own bikes of different tricks, instead of using the well-developed methods used in the Boolean satisfiability problem. However, this statement requires proof, so I decided to reformulate the problem of solving a Japanese crossword puzzle in conjunctive-normal form and use one of the well-known SAT solvers to solve it in order to confirm it or disprove it.

    To represent this problem in conjunctive-normal form, we introduce one boolean variable for each cell of the field and one variable for each possible position of each block in rows and columns. For a cell of a field, a boolean variable will mean whether this cell is colored or not, and for a block position, a boolean variable will mean whether this block is present at this position or not. We write down the necessary relations between the variables (clauses):

    1. Each block declared in a row or column must appear at least in one position. This corresponds to a clause of the form (X1 V X2 V ... XN), where X1, X2 ... XN are all possible positions of a given block in a row or column.

    2. Each block in a row or column should appear no more than once. This corresponds to the set of clauses of the form (not Xi) V (not Xj), where Xi, Xj (i! = J) are all possible positions of a given block in a row or column.

    3. The correct order of blocks. Since it is necessary to maintain the correct order of blocks, as well as eliminate their intersection, it is necessary to add clauses, of the form (not Xi) V (not Xj), where Xi, Xj are variables corresponding to the positions of different blocks that have the wrong order or intersect.

    4. The painted cell must be contained inside at least one block, the position of which includes the given cell. This corresponds to a clause of the form ((not Xk) V X1 V X2 ... XN), where Xk is the variable corresponding to the cell, and X1, X2 ... XN are the variables corresponding to the positions of the blocks containing the given cell.

    5. Each empty cell must not be contained in any possible position of a single block. This corresponds to the set of clauses of the form Xi V (not Xj), where Xi is the variable corresponding to the cell, and Xj is the variable corresponding to one position of any block containing the given cell.

    Thus, the problem is formulated as a conjunctive-normal form and can be solved with the help of the SAT Solver. Moreover, if there is no solution, the SAT Solver will determine that there is no solution.

    Now it is the turn to confirm or deny my assumption that the SAT solver will cope with the solution of Japanese crosswords faster than other algorithms. To test this, I took examples from the Survey of Paint-by-Number Puzzle Solvers website . On this site there is a table comparing the speed of various applications for solving Japanese crosswords and a good set of examples - from the lightest, which are solved by everyone, to complex, which only one application solves. These results were obtained on a computer with a 2.6GHz AMD Phenom II X4 810 quad-core 64-bit processor Memory: 8 Gb. I used an Intel® Core (TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz Memory 16 Gb computer.

    As a result, I got the following results:

    ======== sample-nin/webpbn-00001.nin ========
    Start read data.
    16 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 150
     Clauses = 562
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,610s
    user    0m0,004s
    sys     0m0,002s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-00006.nin ========
    Start read data.
    41 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 1168
     Clauses = 10215
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,053s
    user    0m0,028s
    sys     0m0,000s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-00016.nin ========
    Start read data.
    69 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 7484
     Clauses = 191564
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,368s
    user    0m0,186s
    sys     0m0,008s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-00021.nin ========
    Start read data.
    40 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 1240
     Clauses = 11481
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,095s
    user    0m0,034s
    sys     0m0,000s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-00023.nin ========
    Start read data.
    22 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 311
     Clauses = 1498
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,147s
    user    0m0,006s
    sys     0m0,000s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-00027.nin ========
    Start read data.
    51 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 2958
     Clauses = 38258
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,089s
    user    0m0,050s
    sys     0m0,010s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-00065.nin ========
    Start read data.
    75 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 7452
     Clauses = 134010
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,272s
    user    0m0,166s
    sys     0m0,009s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-00436.nin ========
    Start read data.
    76 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 6900
     Clauses = 134480
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,917s
    user    0m0,830s
    sys     0m0,005s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-00529.nin ========
    Start read data.
    91 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 10487
     Clauses = 226237
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,286s
    user    0m0,169s
    sys     0m0,005s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-00803.nin ========
    Start read data.
    96 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 9838
     Clauses = 278533
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,827s
    user    0m0,697s
    sys     0m0,008s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-01611.nin ========
    Start read data.
    116 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 25004
     Clauses = 921246
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m3,467s
    user    0m3,301s
    sys     0m0,084s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-01694.nin ========
    Start read data.
    96 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 13264
     Clauses = 391427
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,964s
    user    0m0,822s
    sys     0m0,016s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-02040.nin ========
    Start read data.
    116 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 26445
     Clauses = 1182535
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m7,512s
    user    0m7,354s
    sys     0m0,122s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-02413.nin ========
    Start read data.
    41 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 1682
     Clauses = 15032
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,258s
    user    0m0,053s
    sys     0m0,001s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-02556.nin ========
    Start read data.
    111 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 11041
     Clauses = 340630
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,330s
    user    0m0,136s
    sys     0m0,009s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-02712.nin ========
    Start read data.
    95 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 13212
     Clauses = 364416
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m6,503s
    user    0m6,365s
    sys     0m0,032s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-03541.nin ========
    Start read data.
    111 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 19249
     Clauses = 676595
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m5,008s
    user    0m4,785s
    sys     0m0,100s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-04645.nin ========
    Start read data.
    121 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 19159
     Clauses = 793580
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m4,739s
    user    0m4,477s
    sys     0m0,107s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-06574.nin ========
    Start read data.
    51 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 2932
     Clauses = 33191
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,231s
    user    0m0,176s
    sys     0m0,000s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-06739.nin ========
    Start read data.
    81 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 10900
     Clauses = 256833
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,782s
    user    0m0,730s
    sys     0m0,008s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-07604.nin ========
    Start read data.
    111 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 18296
     Clauses = 478535
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m1,524s
    user    0m1,324s
    sys     0m0,026s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-08098.nin ========
    Start read data.
    39 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 1255
     Clauses = 10950
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,216s
    user    0m0,133s
    sys     0m0,000s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-09892.nin ========
    Start read data.
    91 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 13887
     Clauses = 419787
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m12,048s
    user    0m11,858s
    sys     0m0,088s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-10088.nin ========
    Start read data.
    116 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 23483
     Clauses = 1020515
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m17,472s
    user    0m16,795s
    sys     0m0,321s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-10810.nin ========
    Start read data.
    121 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 25726
     Clauses = 895436
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m0,898s
    user    0m0,562s
    sys     0m0,026s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-12548.nin ========
    Start read data.
    88 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 13685
     Clauses = 486012
    apsnono finished.
    real    3m1,682s
    user    2m58,537s
    sys     0m1,507s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-18297.nin ========
    Start read data.
    79 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 9708
     Clauses = 272394
    apsnono finished.
    real    0m16,643s
    user    0m16,326s
    sys     0m0,210s
    ========= sample-nin/webpbn-22336.nin ========
    Start read data.
    159 lines were read
    Solver started. vars = 67137
     Clauses = 5420886
    apsnono finished.
    real    1m46,555s
    user    1m43,336s
    sys     0m3,075s

    What conclusions can be drawn from this?

    1. SAT Solver decided all the examples that are solved by other applications, even webpbn-22336, which is solved only by one application.
    2. SAT Solver easily solves many examples that cannot be solved by most applications.
    3. The solution time is in most cases better with SAT Solver than with other applications.
    4. I used a single-threaded SAT solver; if you use a multi-threaded SAT solver, the results will be even better.
    5. When using SAT Solver, there is no need to invent your own algorithms, which someone has invented with a high probability.

    In conclusion, you can add that the SAT solver can receive more than one solution, if there are any. To do this, you need to add one clause of the form ((not X1) V (not X2) V ... (not XN)), where X1, X2 ... XN are variables corresponding to the filled cells in the previous solution.

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