Google Developers Group and Softline organize the first in Russia "Google Cloud Developer Meetup # 1"

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    For whom is this mitap? For developers, for those who are already developing in the cloud and for those who are just thinking about it. We are not afraid of heated discussions - we are waiting for supporters of AWS and Azure.
    Why is # 1? Because we plan to make Google Cloud Platform events regular!

    And here is Softline ? Softline has been a Google partner for 10 years, the only Premier partner in Russia and the CIS, made it possible to pay the Google Cloud Platform by bank transfer in local currency with the preparation of all accounting documents. Softline is a Cloud-provider and can do “Russian registration” to foreign cloud services.


    Zviad Karadava , Developer Relations, Google Russia
    GCP review for developers. Google IoT Core.
    In a full report, I will give an overview of the components of the Google Cloud Platform, as well as talk about Cloud IoT core. Cloud IoT core is a new component of the Google Cloud Platform, which was introduced recently on Google I / O 2017.

    Mikhail Burshtein , backend developer, App in the Air
    Importing data from Gmail using Google Cloud
    In my report I will talk about the difficulties import data from user mailboxes and how Gmail and the Google Cloud Platform make this task much easier.

    Vladimir Makeev , founder and director of Surf Studio, enthusiast ML
    Neural networks in the application for one, two or three
    We train TensorFlow in the Google Cloud and optimize the neural networks for Android / IoT

    Roman Gayan , BDM Google Cloud Platform Softline
    Multi-cloud solutions / compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation
    I’ll talk about how many projects are used by several service providers and how to comply with the law when using cloud services. We will talk briefly about what personal data is and what needs to be stored in the Russian Federation, and what can be used without restrictions.

    Dmitry Novakovsky , Google Customer Engineer, Google Amsterdam
    Orchestrating Docker containers using the Google Container Engine and Kubernetes
    The Google Cloud Platform includes an extensive set of services for building and delivering applications in Docker containers. Key among them is the Google Container Engine - a platform for orchestrating tasks based on Kubernetes (an open-source project launched and actively supported by Google). In this report, I will review and demonstrate the Google Container Engine (for simplicity, “Kubernetes in the Google Cloud”), as well as some related services (Google Container Registry, Google Container Builder).

    Ivan Evtukhovich , Managing Partner, Express42
    DevOps and the Cloud
    The word DevOps appeared in 2008, before that the problems of fast software delivery were discussed under the auspices of the Agile infrastructure. But since then, the clouds have changed a lot; accordingly, DevOps practices have also changed. I’ll talk about where, in our opinion, the world is moving, why it is doing it and how the development of modern clouds, including GCP, affects it. On the other hand, I’ll tell you that although clouds are very important, the most important part of DevOps is the interaction between people.

    Smetanin Sergey , consultant at RuBeacon
    Backend for your product on Google App Engine
    In the report, I will cover the features of using the Google App Engine, the key features of the platform and pricing, as well as talk about the use of databases presented in the Google Cloud Platform. Additionally, consider the use of GAE in a real-life example.

    Participation is free, registration is required:

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