The digest of interesting materials for the mobile developer # 163 (July 18-24)

    The new digest includes testing at Mail.Ru, video onboarding, Google certification of developers, Badoo's Agile API and mobile programmer on the fingers. There were relatively few materials last week, this catch up!

    How to configure an extensible system for regression testing on phones: the experience of Mobile Mail.Ru Mail

    Today I want to tell you how we built from scratch a flexible and extensible system for running autotests on Android smartphones. Now we use about 60 devices for regression testing the Mail.Ru Mail mobile application. On average, they test about 20 builds of the application daily. For each assembly, about 600 UI tests and more than 3,500 unit tests are performed.

    How we updated and rewrote the Otkritie Bank iOS application

    In the life cycle of a mobile product, sooner or later there comes a moment when you need to radically upgrade. Because in the time elapsed since the launch, business requirements and customer expectations have grown, the capabilities of the platform and development tools have changed - and it becomes impossible to implement updates through “cosmetic repairs”. In the world of mobile applications, the software life cycle is 2-3 years against 10-15 years in the regular Enterprise segment. For me and the Otkritie Digital team, the moment of radical renewal of the mobile bank came at the end of last year.





    Analytics, marketing and monetization

    Devices and IoT

    Previous digest . If you have other interesting materials or if you find a mistake, please send it to the mail.

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