Microsoft has confirmed the presence of (mass) problems with the activation of Windows 10

    On November 8, 2018, there was a centralized failure in the Windows 10 activation system.
    It all started with the fact that a relatively small number of users began to report the loss of Windows 10 activation, because when they booted the PC they received a notification about the expired key and a proposal to activate the system. In some cases, Windows 10 Pro has become Windows 10 Home.
    Check your licenses just in case.

    Update :
    Apparently, the problem mostly affects users upgraded to Windows 10 using old product keys from Windows 7 and 8.1.

    It is important to understand that Microsoft does not force users to move from Windows 10 Pro to Windows 10 Home. Due to a problem on the activation server, the operating system thinks that the user simply installed the wrong edition and offers to install Windows 10 Home to solve the problem. But this is not necessary.

    The number of such reports from users began to grow today, so that Microsoft technical support was still interested in the problem.

    At the Microsoft community forum , a user named DanielRandy said that Microsoft recognized that there was an activation problem that is observed in several countries.

    Microsoft encourages users who experience this problem to wait a few days for the official fix to be released. Calls to technical support at this stage will not change anything.

    The community forum contains the words of a Microsoft technical support engineer:
    Microsoft has released an announcement of the detection of critical errors associated with the activation of Pro versions. The problem is fixed in Japan, Korea and in a number of other countries.
    I am very sorry to report temporary problems with Microsoft activation servers, due to which some users may display incorrect information about the absence of Windows activation. Our engineers are already closely involved in the correction of errors and must solve the problem in the next couple of working days.

    The number of users who encounter this error is growing by the minute. This is a direct evidence that this is a serious problem that is observed throughout the world.

    Some users have reported turning the Pro version into Windows 10 Home. It seems that this may be a separate problem.

    Microsoft does not disclose the details of the error. Most likely, we will learn more details after the release of the fix. It is expected that the number of affected users in the coming hours will grow.

    In the Russian Federation, so with the response from the TP:

    Microsoft is aware of what is happening and is working on a fix, as reported by Windows tech support. If you have lost Windows activation, Microsoft recommends to be patient and wait a few hours (or days), and then check whether the activation has returned. You should not worry about the stability of the computer during this time, because Microsoft allows you to use the system without activation for a very long period of time.

    And even....
    Users of the pirated version of Windows 10 also complain about the failure of Windows activation. That awkward case, when the system crack does not help.

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