Action instead of transition: link is capable of more

    Links are not always what they seem,% username%. Users are accustomed to clicking on a link will go to another page. All site pages usually consist of a large number of calls to other pages. But look at this from a business point of view: oddly enough, a business site does not need this link at all - it rather takes the client away from the real purpose for which he was created - shopping. The more you give the visitor to the site additional and detailed information, the more you confuse and postpone it.

    Link is an important component of hypertext on which the Internet is based.

    Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee is a British scientist, inventor of URI, URL, HTTP, HTML, the creator of the World Wide Web (with Robert Cayo) and the current head of the World Wide Web Consortium.

    Let's look a little differently at a familiar object. What if a link, instead of a transition, is used as an action call. Similar designs were created, rather as some means of penetration into other environments. In particular, the parameters “mailto:” and “tel:”. The first calls the mail program, the second calls the phone number.

    Напиши мне, напиши...


    Позвони мне, позвони...

    Business needs the client to get in touch: call or write. To do this, they usually use the page header - indicate the phone, or the footer - indicate the address. The body of the page remains untouched, namely, it has great potential.

    We offer to put in the main part of the pages of your site not links, but a call of action. For example, to find out the tariffs - do not create a transition to the tariffs page, but allow to call the callback window, then the visitor can receive a call from the site owner. Most users do not want to read your tariffs at all - it’s more convenient for them to have a specialist explain them to them in detail. Just in most situations, accessing the tariff page is faster than making a call - and this is a challenge for your business: make your phone call easier than reading a site - and your customers will appreciate it.

    For Russia, this is even more relevant, because with us, people still prefer a telephone conversation to any other way of communication, including email - therefore, if you were able to connect a client with a seller by phone, then the sale will be more likely. We actively use the same solutions

    on our website that we offer our customers: for example, a call back call was made to the link “See how it works” - then the visitor can talk with our manager who will take part in testing the service. Krible is a combination of seven important communication services for a site in a single contact panel that will help solve the problem of invoking alternative actions for links. There can be several actions in Krible:

    • need to clarify the availability of goods - call chat;
    • Want to know the terms of service - call back;
    • Would you like to ask for a discount - a form for entering contact information.

    How does it work in Krible

    The URL format contains a call to multiple protocols and data transfers. The number of communication methods is so vast that it becomes difficult to understand which format is more preferable for the client. What to call when you click on the link? Send a letter, call a phone number or show the “Callback” window?

    The User-Agent parameter from the HTTP header is not very informative, to accurately determine the type of device: tablet or smartphone. We'll have to tinker to work out this task at an acceptable level.

    And what happens if meticulous users with smartphones and insomnia sufferers click on the coveted link at 3 a.m. Do you want to jump up at night? Maybe leave everything as it is and not come up with problems for yourself?

    We at Krible created a convenient and easy solution to this problem.

    Add only two parameters to the link:

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    • class = "krible-call-trigger" - tells Krible that a special handler must be used for this tag.
    • data-tel = "+ 79001234567" - contains the phone number to which you want to make a call.

    Krible will determine the type of visitor’s hardware device and if direct call from the device is not possible, it will display a window with the “Callback” form.

    When an active action occurs outside the company’s non-working time, the client will hear a message from the answering machine saying that he will be called back in the morning. All applications and events are saved in KribleCRM, so it will be extremely difficult to miss the client.

    Try to put yourself in the place of a visitor to your site. Think about what could facilitate their perception of information - text or voice? Do users like to read, or do they prefer video - or maybe it’s easiest for them when they are individually consulted by phone / skype, etc.? Analyze which communication method will help sell more to your site. Regulate the flow of calls and the load of managers, experiment with your site, think differently.

    Even old and familiar tools like a link can be made to work for you better if you know exactly the purpose for which you need your site.

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