SSD VPS from REG.RU: combining advantages

VPS / VDS: for whom is this type of hosting?
Everyone who needs to create and develop their own website, sooner or later approaches the need to purchase hosting for him. Most people understand hosting as shared hosting, that is virtual, when several sites simultaneously use the resources of the same server. The advantages of such hosting are obvious: a minimum of care for its support and configuration, the lion's share of these works falls on the shoulders of the hosting provider.

However, most projects will soon become cramped as part of shared hosting. Restrictions on the use of shared resources, coupled with the inability to configure all server components for the needs of this particular site, lead to the need for hosting, where the user has significantly more options to configure all the necessary components.
VPS (virtual private server) or VDS (virtual dedicated server) - these terms have now become almost synonymous - are a convenient alternative to shared hosting. The user gets at his disposal a virtual server, very close in its ability to configure and install the necessary software components to a physical (dedicated) server, which provides maximum freedom in configuration and configuration, but at the same time costs significantly more.

Magnetic Hard Drives and Solid State Drives
Hard drives that use magnetic materials to store data have been known for decades. In fact, this is exactly the type of drive that is meant when they say "hard disk". Despite the ever-increasing speed of data exchange and the amount of available disk space, these drives are limited in the number of simultaneously performed operations, as well as in the speed of exchange.

Solid state drives (SSDs) remove a number of limitations that owners of magnetic drives had to reckon with. First of all, any part of the SSD-drive can be accessed for a fixed time. At the same time, you can make thousands, tens, hundreds of thousands (depending on the model of the drive) of read-write operations, which is 2-3 orders of magnitude higher than the capabilities of hard drives. Add to this a very low power consumption (an SSD can consume several watts of power, thus reducing power consumption and lowering the heating of the system unit) and absolute noiselessness (since there are no moving parts in the SSD).
Among the disadvantages of SSDs, one can note a relatively high price compared to hard drives. Contrary to popular belief, MTBFs of modern SSD drives are not inferior to the lifetime of a typical hard drive.
SSD VPS from REG.RU: combining advantages

REG.RU company has combined the advantages of the mentioned technologies and offers its clients hosting on VPS, using solid-state drives (SSD) for storing information. What might this type of hosting be for you? First of all, speed. If your site uses applications that work intensively with a hard disk (such as database servers, heavily loaded Web servers, etc.), this will significantly increase their performance - it can eliminate one of the bottlenecks of your site: insufficiently fast operations reading and writing to disk.
It should be noted a quite acceptable price range for high-speed SSD VPS. Most users who have experienced the benefits of working on SSDs are no longer returning to traditional storage media for storing and recording information.

We use high-speed, well-proven SSD media (such as Intel 3500.3700), which allow up to 75 thousand simultaneous reads (and up to 11 thousand - write). Combined in RAID 10 on a high-performance Adaptec 8805 RAID controller, these drives provide several hundred times faster access speed than hard drives. The graphs show the total IOPS (Total IOPS) parameters.
In the illustrations you see a comparison of the performance of a typical hard drive and SSD. The values are Total IOPS - the total number of simultaneously performed read-write operations for random and sequential access.

We do not restrict users in access to full disk performance - use all possible drive speeds.
REG.RU uses OpenVZ virtualization technology, which provides maximum performance. You can select several OS variants from the Linux family supported by this platform.
As with the other VPS products of our company, you can switch to a more productive plan at any time without interrupting the operation of your server.
If you are already using our VPS product, you can request the transfer of the existing server to the VPS SSD platform - we will come to the aid upon request.
You can get acquainted with the tariff plans and order hosting VPS on SSD from REG.RU at this link .