IDCEE Conference 2014 impressions of a non-trend startup

    October 9-10 in Kiev, the conference IDCEE (Investor's Day Central and Eastern Europe), which has already become a tradition, was held. Thanks to the marketing genius of the conference organizers, our startup: TheOnlyPage took part in this event.


    In this publication you will not find a review of startups that participated, nothing will be said about speeches at plenary meetings and events to select the best startups. Only impressions of 2 days of participation on the avenue of startups.

    Two years ago, with a different startup, or rather with the first incarnation of TheOnlyPageI participated in a similar event: IDCEE 2012. The impressions were as follows: everything was very rich, excellent refreshment, lined up along the tables of the lobby lines of glasses of white and red wine. An opportunity to talk with representatives of incubators and funds operating in Ukraine.

    imageBut the situation in the country has changed, I do not have to rely on investments and I did not intend to spend money on participating in IDCEE 2014. But a letter came from the organizers that funding was received for free participation, it is necessary to submit a startup to the competition. As you refuse, I applied for the contest, and accordingly tuned in to participate. And when it turned out that the competition did not pass (which and how many startups were participating for free were not reported), then I paid 2786 UAH (a little more than $ 200).

    The startup alley was a square hall, densely lined with stands that, for some reason, were illuminated from the ceiling by bright colored spotlights of acid colors.

    The impressions of working on the avenue of startups are as follows:

    All 112 participating startups were pre-presented on the event website and potential investors had the opportunity to familiarize themselves and aim at visiting specific stands.

    imageBut apparently TheOnlyPage did not attract attention, and on the first day , visitors had to look for booths on the sidelines of the conference. As a result, I received a certain feedback from people with whom I had long wanted to discuss TheOnlyPage and the development prospects of this service.

    On the second dayendless stream of start-ups went to the stand, there were a lot of people who got acquainted with the service and, to be honest, by the end of the second day I felt just like a squeezed lemon. Perhaps, in this stream of interested people, one potential investor got involved, but he was very well conspiratorial.

    In general, the event is useful. For myself, for the future I concluded that it is necessary to prepare for communication not only with investors, but also with startup friends, in advance to familiarize ourselves with the sites of participants. And, of course, it was worth preparing some kind of advertising material about the service and distributing it to everyone.

    This year's conference was very modest in everything. And the past gastronomic abundance was reminded only of glasses with white wine displayed in the lobby.


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