Useful materials for mobile developer # 65 (August 4-10)

    This week, we learned how to become an Xcode ninja, were indignant at Google Play policies, examined alternatives to it, learned how to make prototypes and build a tablet in a car. Mobile development does not stop even in hot August!

    Ninjutsu Xcode

    This article will discuss some of the working tools and approaches that have accumulated during my programming for iOS in the Xcode IDE, from obvious and often applicable, to rare and rather heavy ones.

    Sex and violence on Google Play

    Recently, Google has been systematically deleting apps for sex and violence, without explaining the reasons and without entering into a dialogue with the developers. Ok Google. Let's do a little social experiment ( background ).

    Hack mobile online game? Easy!

    Today I will tell you about what you may encounter if you suddenly decide to get into the jungle of someone else’s Android application (in this case, online games). Adventures with viewing Java classes in .dex, learning Dalvik op codes and even binary programming.

    Military smartphones: how apps save lives

    I left the DARPA office in a little haze. Maybe it was the summer heat, or maybe four hours of talk about the war. In any case, I turned the wrong way and could not find the way home. So, as I do every day, I reached into my pocket and felt the comfort of my own smartphone with Google maps, text messages and dumb puzzle games.



    Windows phone


    Marketing and monetization



    Last week’s digest . If I missed something in the search for updates - send it to the mail, I will quickly add it.

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