Google Play Books in Ukraine
Google continues to actively introduce its entertainment services in Ukraine. In addition to the Google Play Music streaming music service launched in July this year and already very popular, Google Play Books has become available in the country. The launch of the application started without unnecessary advertising noise. Let's see what the main competitor in this market in the CIS will say - FileGiver, a project that planned to legalize the entire book segment in the CIS.

Using this library service, you can read hundreds of thousands of books for use on a variety of electronic devices (or transfer to paper). Paid and free bestsellers, classical works and informative literature are not yet available to all users of the country, but this is only the beginning.
The library offered to readers is divided into genres and sections, which makes its use easier and more attractive. In addition to Ukraine, the new service has become available to residents of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Google plans to “develop the territory” of 61 countries. In terms of the number of potential customers, the innovation is going to compete with such monsters of this segment of the virtual space as the Nook Store, iBooks, Kobo and FileGiver (CIS).
Books purchased from the Google library will be available to readers through the web service, iOS devices and on androids. A nice bonus is the synchronization of bookmarks, remembering the last open page and notes between different devices of the same user.