Roskomnadzor publicly reported

    Not so long ago, namely 08/21/2018, Roskomnadzor (the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications) published on its website a public report on the activities of the department in 2017 . Not very early, but better than never.

    We at Cloud4Y got acquainted with the volume and beautifully designed report and today we want to tell Habr's readers about the finds that we found interesting. Welcome under cat. Be careful, a lot of charts.

    The report begins with the opening words of the head of the RKN A.A. Zharov and reviews on the activities of the department from the leadership of the Russian Federation. In addition, there is an increase in the efficiency of interaction with the Unified portal of public services (through 2017, 2 times more calls were received through the Unified State University of Education) and through the system of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SMEV).

    In the section on state control and supervision of communications, we learn that, starting in 2017, Roskomnadzor has completely switched to a risk-oriented model for exercising state control and supervision in the field of communications. The purpose of the new perspective approach is to further reduce the administrative burden on the business while maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of control and supervision.

    As can be seen from the charts now prevailsystematic observation of events , which you can learn more about from our article on Habré.

    But interesting:

    Countering the illegal proliferation of mobile SIM cards

    In 2017, Roskomnadzor, together with representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, held 1,574 events to curb the illegal sale of SIM cards by mobile operators, which is two times more than in 2016 (777 events).

    106,593 SIM cards (an increase of 3.5 times compared to 2016) of mobile operators were withdrawn
    , of which:

    SIM cards from VimpelCom are a clear leader.

    Territorial bodies of Roskomnadzor compiled 1 167 protocols on administrative violations (in 2016 - 677 protocols).In order to more effectively counteract the illegal implementation of SIM-cards with the participation of Roskomnadzor, amendments to the Federal Law "On Communications", which come into force on June 1, 2018, have been amended. In particular, only those subscribers will be able to receive mobile communication services, reliable information about which will be provided to the telecom operator and entered into the automated billing system.

    Monitoring the introduction of digital terrestrial broadcasting zomboys in the territory of the Russian Federation

    During 2017, the monitoring of the introduction of digital terrestrial television and radio broadcasting in the territory of the Russian Federation continued in accordance with the federal target program “Development of television and radio broadcasting in the Russian Federation for 2009–2018”.

    As of December 31, 2017, the Federal State Unitary Enterprise RTRS:
    • in 84 regions (98.8%) broadcast the first and second multiplexes in the DVB-T2 standard;
    • in 71 regions (83.5%) the beginning of the broadcast of the second multiplex in more than one settlement (with a population of more than 50 thousand people).

    As a result , the number of people living in the territory covered by terrestrial digital broadcasting in the DVB-T / DVB-T2 standard increased by 3.4% to almost 140 million people (95% of the population).

    Control of access to illegal information on the Internet

    In 2017, work continued aimed at implementing Roskomnadzor's authority to organize and exercise state control and supervision of telecommunications operators' compliance with the requirements of Russian law in taking measures to restrict access to Internet sites containing information that is prohibited in the Russian Federation. The control was carried out using the automated system "Auditor", which can be found in our article here .

    By the end of 2017, 3,683 telecom operators were authorized in the information system of interaction between Roskomnadzor and operators providing services to provide Internet access in the Russian Federation.

    • 3,674 telecom operators (99.7%) were controlled by the “Auditor” JSC;
    • 3,481 administrative offense cases were initiated;
    • 2,537 decisions were made by the courts to satisfy the claims of Roskomnadzor.

    Control over postal operators

    I was waiting for a letter sent between two major cities of Russia. If I knew the statistics from the RKN, I would not be so worried when the control deadlines were significantly exceeded.

    In 2017, the territorial bodies of Roskomnadzor carried out activities to monitor the observance by postal service operators of the deadlines for sending postage. The audit was conducted in relation to FSUE Russian Post, FSUE Post of Crimea, as well as postal operators SPSR-Express, EMC-Garantpost, Armadillo Business Parcel, Freight Link.

    Concerning FSUE “Russian Post”:

    • For interregional flow, the proportion of written correspondence sent in 2017 within the control period amounted to 79.09% (2016 - 78.21%). The established standard (90%) was not met during the year.
    • On intraregional flow - 91.26% (decreased by 1.84% compared with 2016, but the standard (90%) was met).

    Media: licensing and licensing activities, control and supervision

    Inadmissibility of abuse of freedom of the media

    Roskomnadzor carries out control and supervision aimed at identifying violations of the requirements of Art. 4 of the Law "On Mass Media" and Federal Law No. 114-FZ "On Countering Extremist Activities".

    In 2017, 54 warnings were issued, which is 18.2% less than in 2016. The greatest number of warnings issued for the distribution of materials containing obscene language. For the propaganda of pornography, as well as the cult of violence and cruelty, warnings for editors and media founders in 2017 were not imposed.

    State Control (Supervision) of the study of the volume of the audience of TV channels

    Since September 2018, advertisers are obliged to place advertisements on federal television channels only on the basis of data from a single television meter. In Russia, the telemeasurement commission selected a single measuring instrument - the Mediascope company (Mediascope JSC), which conducts a study of the volume of television viewing audience.

    In 2017, Mediascope presented an annual research report on the size of the audience of TV channels.

    363 minutes a day, Karl Habr!

    Countering the illegal proliferation of intellectual property

    Work with citizens

    Compared to 2016, in 2017, there has been an increase in citizens' appeals on issues in the field of communications and on the organization of the activities of administrations of sites on the Internet.

    In 2017, for the first time since 2009, the annual number of complaints and complaints of citizens in the field of protecting the rights of personal data subjects has decreased by 5.4%. The overwhelming number of complaints traditionally concerned the protection of personal data in connection with their posting on the Internet, the organization of banks and the transfer of personal data to citizens to collection agencies.

    We write more about the activities of RKN in our corporate blog. We regularly, about 2 times a month, publish all the most interesting things from the world of personal data processing. Interested offer to subscribe to our blog, so as not to miss. And for those who need to quickly understand the topic of protecting the rights of PD subjects from a business point of view, we recommend our White Paper on Federal Law No. 152 .

    The purpose of the book is to help eliminate confusion in the processing of personal data and clearly describe for business the process of bringing personal data information systems in accordance with the laws of Russia. The topic is revealed from scratch. It helps to meet the needs of a wide range of readers. Already more than 4,000 downloads.

    PS The report is still a lot of specific information. If we missed something important for you, please read the original report here .

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