Google plans to lay its own fiber optic cable along the bottom of the Pacific Ocean

    Google plans to invest in a multi-million dollar fiber-optic cable project across the Pacific floor that will link their data center in Oregon with Japan.

    From this perspective, you can see the strip of the US coast, but Japan is no longer there. To understand the scope of the project.

    Google Corporation plans to lay its own fiber optic cable along the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, according to the Wall Street Journal. The preliminary cost of the project is estimated at $ 300 million. The basis may be Cabel-Projekt Unity, implemented in 2008, when a cable with a length of more than 10 thousand km was laid between the USA and Japan. It is planned that the company will independently control the network section it has created and will be able to use it at its discretion. First of all, this will allow the technology giant to connect its data centers in the USA, Oregon, with the network infrastructure in Japan.

    Such plans of Google clearly show the giant’s desire to reduce dependence on data networks owned by some states or third-party companies (according to some reports up to 40% of traffic goes through private networks) and begin building a full-scale global network controlled by the corporation.

    It is worth recalling that the project of broadband, high-speed Internet access based on fiber optic communications from Google, called Google Fiber, is already creating tangible competition for providing access to the World Wide Web in the US market, where it is possible to connect. If we take into account the fact that the company is systematically creating its own ecosystem, as can be seen in the example of the implementation of Fiber, it becomes clear that laying the cable that will connect the west coast with Japan (read Asia) is only a small part of the far-reaching Google plan.

    This step is logical. Having mastered part of the United States market, the brainchild of Larry Page and Sergey Brin wants to force things forward and, without waiting for the saturation of the existing market, to explore new open spaces. Access to Japan will allow the company to go further - to the huge Asian market, where there are still densely populated areas without communication with the outside world in the form of high-speed access to the World Wide Web.

    By the way, such a project is not Google’s first investment in a data network. The company has already invested in such projects: in 2010, Google participated in the Southeast Asia-Japan Cable international telecommunications project, which was aimed at strengthening the information security of the South Asian region. Goolge has also been buying up abandoned fiber-optic lines for a long time, and today, according to researchers, it already owns more than 160,000 km of fiber-optic networks around the world.

    If this pace of development of its own network infrastructure continues, Google will soon enough be able to enter the Internet access market in many parts of the world.

    It is also worth remembering about Facebook, more precisely, about the purchase of the British aerospace company Ascenta, with the help of which (satellites and drones) social. the network plans to provide network coverage in hard-to-reach regions where the quality or the fact of having access to the Internet leaves much to be desired.

    I don’t want to think about a possible plan to take over the world.

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