Great Britain rewrites the rules of the road under "robot cars"

    Cars that can drive on roads without the participation of drivers are already in full swing in California and some other US states (so far only test samples). However, in other regions and countries, the rules of the road (SDA) are not adapted to the new realities, and it is almost impossible (without permission) to leave a car without driving a person.

    In the UK - this is exactly the situation, but the legislators of this country plan to rewrite traffic rules for robotic cars. At least, at first, they will allow testing of such cars on the roads of this country.

    Among other things, British lawmakers are going to encourage their automakers who develop their own cars with an autonomous control system.

    The Minister of Science and Universities of Britain, David Willett, said that California is already working on the creation of laws that allow cars that simply do not have a driver's seat to appear on the roads (the first licenses / rights for owners of such cars will be issued in September this year). And the UK plans to use such laws in its own right. In any case, work on new laws is already underway, and researchers at Oxford are very actively working on their own autonomous control projects for passenger cars.

    Via: The Independent

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