Free VPN from Amazon

    Under the habracat, I will tell you how, with a few simple steps, get yourself an almost free VPN in the states:

    1. Register on and get a piece of computer time for a year for free . Valid card required;

    2. Launch the US-East Micro Instance available in the region with Ubuntu 10.4 and 10 gigabyte partition, which just fits in the free package. The instance has the number ami-c2a255ab and is located through a search in Community AMI's at the request of Ubuntu 10.4 ;

    3. Log in to the machine under ubuntu using SSH, for example via PuTTY , without forgetting to first convert the key to ppk format via PuTTYgen;

    4. Install and configure OpenVpn using this article. The author forgot to say that before starting work, you need to do sudo su ;

    5. Set and configure synchronization with DynDNS , so as not to watch ip every time, which changes after each instance shutdown;

    6. Configure the OpenVPN client , in my case Windows 7 was the medium.
    To do this, copy the files from the server:
    • ca.crt
    • client1.crt
    • client1.key
    These are text files and their contents with aws can be pulled out with copy-paste.
    They need to be folded in C: \ Program Files \ OpenVPN \ config .
    In addition, here you need to create a client1.conf file , in which you write something like the following:

    dev tun
    remote 1194
    proto udp
    persist- tun
    ca "C: \\ Program Files \\ OpenVPN \\ config \\ ca.crt"
    cert "C: \\ Program Files \\ OpenVPN \\ config \\ client1.crt"
    key "C: \\ Program Files \ \ OpenVPN \\ config \\ client1.key "

    7. Launch OpenVPN and we are in Seattle!

    PS: Amazon provides 15 gigabytes of Up and Down traffic per month for a year. Anything higher will cost 10 cents per gigabyte. Prices can be found here: .

    If you encounter difficulties in understanding aws technologies, then just read this topic:

    The following comment in the article about paid VPNs served as a prerequisite for this topic: / blogs / infosecurity / 107197 / # comment_3378188

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