Python Meetup: March Meeting

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In March, a monthly meeting of lovers of the programming language Python Meetup Minsk took place . The following reports were read in the grid of the meeting: Python for switch-heads from Maxim Baryshnikov, “ Redis. How we struggled with complexity ” from Roman Imankulov and “ Review of the Twisted framework ” by Andrey Zhlobich.

As always, videos of all reports and links to presentations can be found on our blog. In addition, the details of the new Python Meetup Minsk meeting , which will be held on May 30, are already known - all this can be found under the cut. Have a nice view!

1. Python for switch-heads - Maxim Baryshnikov, company Stream.

A brief look at python from the point of view of programmers writing in other languages.

2. Redis. How we struggled with complexity - Roman Imankulov,

Redis is a tool that should be in the arsenal of any developer. In the report, Roman will tell how Redis helps Todoist serve hundreds of thousands of users and captivates with its simplicity and elegance of its solutions.

3. Twisted framework review - Andrey Zhlobich, Stream.

In the report, we will consider and find out what async envenloop is, what Twisted is, when it may be needed and what you should not expect from it; Deferred concept; interaction with RDBMS and other synchronous libraries; Application Framework Twisted Web, etc.

PS: On Friday , May 30, the Belarusian community of Python developers will gather in the Startup Hub Imaguru at 4. Fabriziusa . The meeting begins according to tradition at 19.00.

May Meet Program Python Meetup:
Report # 1. Artyom Pevukhin (Moscow) “Go Language for Python Programmers”
About:The report will explain how the Python programming language Go can be of interest to the developer. The basic idioms of Go will be described and answers to the following questions will be given: How applicable to Go is “Zen of Python”? What is the scope of this language? What can you win by using Go instead of Python?

Report No. 2. Maxim Baryshnikov, Solutions Architect at Wargaming (Minsk) “Wargaming: the rear - to the front!”
About what: I believe that I won’t reveal the secret of the Open Sign if I say the following: for the game to become successful (and from successful to become legendary), the game itself is not enough, no matter how good it is. Among other things, a really massive game needs a very developed web part. It will be discussed.

Report No. 3.Alexey Cherkes Senior Developer at Sakrament-IT (Minsk) "SWIG - creating multilanguage interfaces for C / C ++ libraries."
About: Briefly talk about what is binding and Python with API. A quick tour of binders for Python. Next, we will talk about SWIG: what is it, why is it needed, features, the scheme of utilities, the order of launch and assembly, the principles of work, how the object models of C ++ are compared with the target language. Examples in Python and C #. Application experience, pros / cons.

As usual, a “free microphone” will work, which means that anyone can make a blitz presentation that does not require a pre-prepared presentation. The main thing is the desire to share something interesting and useful.
Hurry up with registration - the number of seats is limited!

Well, of course, join us on Facebook

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