Algebraic 2014 Contest

    Sometimes our editors have fun and make thrash videos from very serious lectures. We are laying out one of them for the first time.

    And here is how Roman Mikhailov himself describes his course :

    “It is planned to analyze and discuss some open problems of group theory and the small-dimensional theory of homotopy: Whitehead asphericity problems, Wall D (2) hypotheses, relations hole problems, problems of zero divisors in group rings. Rather, this is not a course, but a conversation about group theory and homotopy theory, with a description of various examples, tricks and methods. ”

    Well, then the idea came up to make a competition for such videos.

    In general, the conditions are as follows:

    Competition "Algebraic 2014"

    Participants are invited to send a video clip lasting up to 3 minutes, depicting the process of teaching in the field of natural sciences (mathematics, physics, copmuter science, etc.). The main task is to introduce the viewer to a serious topic.


    The source material can be any Style
    - banter and thrash
    Nudity should be marked 18+ (in any way) The
    video should not be offensive. Primarily in relation to the source material.


    The videos must be uploaded to any video hosting service and send a link to until May 15.
    Ten shortlisted videos will be uploaded for demonstration on YouTube on the Lectorium channel by May 20.
    Until May 25, the winner is announced.
    Discussion of commercials and results - on Habré and in the VK group .


    No popular vote, reposts and turbidity. Our editors will evaluate.


    All for fun. To the winners - tickets to the St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Or t-shirts.

    Contact Information

    The harsh editor-in-chief and co-founder of the Lectory, Sasha Skorodumova, is looking at this idea with pain.

    But he answers clarifying questions by mail ( and in the VK group.

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