Eight Tricks Marketers Can Borrow From Agile Programmers

    imageIn search of new ideas for organizing the work, we came across an interesting article from Matthew Stibb, CEO of Articulate Marketing . The idea seemed interesting to us, and we decided to share it with our readers.

    Matthew spent more than ten years developing computer games, and now runs a marketing agency that works in the field of content and Internet applications for business.

    Agile programmingis a relatively new approach to software development. This technique allows you to turn a stressful and sometimes unpredictable software development process into a managed, well-planned and team work. This is exactly what Stibb proposes to do with the work of marketers, that is, to take advantage of flexible programming models in the preparation of marketing content.

    1. Pair programming

    This approach involves the work of programmers in pairs. Companions perform two tasks: writing code and controlling the overall picture, while the employees are interchangeable. Articulate Marketing uses the same trick. Two specialists are appointed to write an interview or article: one writes the text, and the second makes corrections. Often changing roles to perform different parts of the task.

    2. Flow and regression testing

    In a flexible programming model, each change made to the code is accompanied by an update of the automated testing result to make sure that the changes do not violate the software robot. In marketing, especially in Internet marketing, this approach helps to evaluate the effectiveness of each of your actions. Does this page bring more conversion than the previous? Is the new CTA (Call To Action) effective? Etc. But the idea of ​​regression testing also means the following: what works today needs constant monitoring to ensure that it will still work tomorrow.

    3. Planning

    Agile developers don't like overtime. It is not customary to write until the night, drinking tons of coffee, and eat, not looking up from work. Instead, they plan their work based on an intensive 40-hour work week. Marketers must do the same, even if it means saying no to unexpected customer deadlines. As stated in Texas, "the lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." In the end, emergency work reduces productivity and leads to a drop in quality.

    4. User opinions, not specifications

    Agile programmers and managers do not hide from the user behind a pile of code, they do not wave away the specification and do not try to protect themselves from the customer. Instead, they offer the client to collaborate with them and describe his vision of the end result. Marketers can use a similar approach, evaluating the style, originality and theme of the article, rather than the time it takes to write it. In Articulate Marketing not use time sheets, and evaluate the final result.

    5. “Much” does not always mean “long”

    One of the agile development tools - Pivotal Tracker uses an approach that differs from the traditional one. Instead of predicting the execution time of a task, the developer estimates its complexity from 1 to 3 and notes the level of its importance in the context of other tasks. Over time, the service analyzes the work of the contractor and can calculate the estimated time to complete this or that task. Articulate Marketing use a similar system for planning and monitoring the execution of tasks.

    6. “Stand up” meetings

    Instead of endlessly holding meetings and conference calls, developers hold stand-up meetings at the beginning of the week to exchange information and discuss projects. Articulate Marketing do the same. And, as the name implies, when people stand, they try to speak as little as possible about business!

    7. Consider changes, not ignore them

    Most projects are limited by rigid specifications, which are laid in their foundation. This approach causes two problems: the client does not know how much he is satisfied with the product until he sees it; with long periods of project creation, it may lose relevance even before its completion. Agile development encourages customer involvement during the creation phase and assumes that the project will change over time. In Articulate Marketing, this approach is implemented through constant feedback and content editing. Perhaps this does not quite suit the author, but provides high-performance products for customers.

    8. Sprint, not marathons

    Creating computer games takes considerable time, and the team cannot be sure of success until the project reaches the final stage. Agile developers take a different approach, trying to create a workable service with minimal resources, gradually optimizing and developing it, taking into account the needs of users. The project, divided into several short stages, is easier to adapt to changing requirements and circumstances. This method is great for marketing projects. An advertising company does not really end as long as the product exists, and the site must be constantly evolving.

    Summing up, we want to emphasize that Agile development helps to create projects that take into account the dynamism of the environment, which is vital for marketing processes. You cannot afford to rest on the laurels of one successful project or its stage. You must constantly change, adapt and carefully monitor what is happening.

    Original article: www.marketingprofs.com/articles/2014/24750/eight-secrets-of-agile-marketing

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