Watch AppSummit Online

    Today at 10:00 , join the broadcast of the AppSummit conference , which will be held at Digital October. We will discuss mobile platforms, as well as the application market. Mobile applications have come into the life of almost all of us, changing traditions and making life easier and more interesting. They have already brought success to many; someone has paved the way for high business efficiency. The potential for mobile applications is huge. For example, the recently launched Instagram app was sold for a billion dollars, and a fully-functioning WhatsApp app cost 16 times as much. The Angry Birds mobile game produces soft toys and soft drinks, and corporate executives control the business from their tablets.

    That is why we decided to hold the first conference about applications, a business with applications and about the people for whom this business works and brings results.
    The full conference program is available on the conference website .
    During the broadcast, live broadcasts from the conference, interviews with speakers and conference participants are waiting for you.
    Connect online and tweet on #AppSummit.
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