Distribution of Rusonix servers. The final vote!


    It's time to hand out the iron!

    We will
    distribute : 1. SuperMicro 5013S-8: 1x Xeon 2.0GHz (32bit), 4GB RAM, SCSI noHDD, ASR-2010S, 1U
    2. SuperMicro H8DA8 (MB): 2x DualCore Opteron 2.0GHz, 12GB RAM, SCSI noHDD, AOC -LPZCR2, 1U
    3. SuperMicro X6DVA-4G2 (MB): 2x Xeon 3.0GHz, 12GB RAM, SCSI noHDD, 1U
    4. SuperMicro X6DVA-4G2 (MB): 2x Xeon 3.0GHz, 12GB RAM, SCSI noHDD, 1U
    5. SuperMicro X6DVA-4E2 (MB): 2x Xeon 3.0GHz, 12GB RAM, SATA noHDD, AAR-2420SA, 1U
    6. SuperMicro X6DVA-4E2 (MB): 2x Xeon 3.0GHz, 12GB RAM, SATA noHDD, AAR-2420SA, 1U
    7. Supermicro 6015B-3/8 / T: 2x DualCore Xeon 2.00GHz, 8Gb RAM, SCSI noHDD, AOC-LPZCR2, 1U
    8. Supermicro 6015B-3/8 / T: 2x DualCore Xeon 2.00GHz, 12Gb RAM, SCSI noHDD , AOC-LPZCR2,1U
    9. Supermicro 6015B-3/8 / T: 2x QuadCore Xeon 2.33GHz, 8Gb RAM, SAS noHDD, AOC-LPZCR2, 1U
    10. Supermicro 6015B-3/8 / T: 2x QuadCore Xeon 2.33GHz, 8Gb RAM, SAS noHDD , AOC-LPZCR2, 1U
    11. DELL 2950: 2x QuadCore Xeon 1.86GHz, 8GB RAM, SAS noHDD, PERC5i, iDRAC5, 2PSU, 2U
    12. DELL 2950: 2x QuadCore Xeon 1.86GHz, 8GB RAM, SAS noHDD, PERC5i, iDRAC5 , 2PSU, 2U

    Two weeks ago, I started accepting applications for servers . Last time I accepted applications by mail, this time I decided to make the acceptance of applications public.

    Applicants for receiving free servers in their undivided property left applications in the comments to a post on Habré and on social networks: VK , FB , Twitter.

    Those who wanted even tried to leave the application anonymously or went to me through other channels and persuaded me to give the piece of iron. But I held fast :) An open competition - what could be more honest?

    As a result, about 700 applications were collected. This is a lot. Of these, with great difficulty and mental anguish, I selected 26 candidates. But there are only 12 servers! By tradition, I invite our dear habra-users to vote for the most worthy applicants. The servers will go to those who get the most votes.

    In my opinion, this is the most honest scheme that you can come up with. Habr has repeatedly proved his wisdom. I think it will be the same this time.

    So vote!

    Under the post, I left comments with numbers, brief descriptions of applications and links to detailed texts of applications in the form in which the applicant submitted them to the competition. I am sure Habr will make the right decision!

    Ready? Go!

    1. Enthusiasts Beal's hypothesis is considered to be the forehead method. Details
    2. Education. Tajikistan. Prepare the participants in programming competitions: IOI, BOI, IZHO, VKHOSP. The server is needed for republican tournaments. Details
    3. Education. Center for children's creativity, Tikhvin, LO. Network infrastructure. Details
    4. Science / medicine. NTSKEM SB RAMS, Novosibirsk. Development of anti-TB drugs. Details
    5. Education. IU-7, MSTU named after Bauman. For the deployment of term and graduation projects. Details
    6. Enthusiast. Creates an archive of images from the Electro-L satellite. Details
    7. Community of enthusiasts. ReactOS , I think there is no need to explain to Habr what this is. The server is needed for compiling and assembling OS images, automatic testing. In the last distribution, the project mistakenly did not get on the list of finalists. Details
    8. The science. The server is needed for quantum chemical calculations. Read the comments, the discussion was interesting. Details
    9. Startup Service of online diagnostics based on artificial intelligence. Details
    10. The science. Student laboratory of computer vision. Details
    11. Enthusiast. Old cartography. The server is needed for gluing cards in different formats. Details
    12. Education. Ural College of Radio Engineering named after A.S. Popova. For practical work in the classroom. Details
    13. The science. Laboratory of Optoelectronics and Nanophotonics of the Ural Federal University. For computer modeling and calculations. Details
    14. Education / Enthusiast. Interest group "User". Conduct classes for children on a voluntary basis. Details
    15. The science. Research Institute of Applied Physics, Irkutsk. Acoustic registration of neutrinos in Baikal. Server for processing data from sensors. Details
    16. Education. The system of electronic testing of students' knowledge . Details
    17. The science. Laboratory "Rainfall" of the Department of Plasma Physics, Institute of General Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences Prokhorov. To process data from the stellarator. Details
    18. Education. Department of Information and Computing Systems of the Perm State Technical University. Server for the implementation of student projects. Details
    19. The science. Laboratory of Functional Polymer Structures, Institute of Synthetic Polymer Materials. Server for calculating molecular models. Details
    20. A group of enthusiasts. A server is required to process uncompressed astronomical video . Details
    21. Education. To deploy the methodological portal (CMS + Moodle + OpenMeetings). Details
    22. The science. Two scientific groups of the Siberian Federal University. For processing and storage of data (restoration of satellite trajectories and investigation of the Burnside problem). Details
    23. Enthusiasts / Education. Free online English courses for children with disabilities. Details
    24. Education. Competitions in the field of information security VolgaCTF . To organize competitions. Details
    25. Education. School of Informatics "VECTOR ++", Sarov, Nizhny Novgorod region. For special courses on system administration. Details
    26. The science. Institute of General Physics A.M. Prokhorov. The laboratory is developing a mass analyzer for studying the composition of the atmosphere (registration of the presence of certain substances in the air). The server is needed for computing. Details

    Under the post, I posted comments with numbers and descriptions of applications. By the votes for the comments, we will determine those who will get the servers.

    The winners will be determined on March 26 at 15:00, so that everyone could put their marks.
    Based on the results, we will contact the winners and be sure to publish a photo report from the distribution.

    Thanks to all! Hurrah!

    PS I ask everyone who has not entered the short list, do not despair! In our Orangeman community, we are constantly distributing a wide variety of equipment. For example, an enthusiast is now distributing servers in New York! Distribution in VK , FB .

    PPS All about Rusonix and our Orangeman initiative .

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