MongoDB and IT Job Market Research
Have you ever analyzed vacancies?
One wondered what technologies are the strongest need for the labor market at the moment? Month ago? A year ago?
How often are new job openings by Java developers in a particular area of your city and how actively are they closing?
In this article I will tell you how you can achieve the desired result and build a reporting system on a topic of interest to us. Go!
(Image source)
Probably many of you are familiar and even used such a resource as . Thousands of new vacancies in various fields are posted daily on this site. Also, HeadHunter has an API that allows the developer to interact with the data of this resource.
Using a simple example, let us consider the construction of the data acquisition process for the reporting system, which is based on the work with the site API. We will use the embedded SQLite DBMS as an intermediate storage of information, we will store the processed data in the MongoDB database in NoSQL, and the main language will be Python version 3.4.
But what if we need to conduct more complex data analysis? This is where the MongoDB NoSQL document-oriented database comes to the rescue , which allows you to store data in JSON format.
The completed collection in MongoDB looks something like this:
Having a collected database, we can perform various analytical sampling. So, I’ll bring out the Top 10 most paid jobs for Python developers in St. Petersburg:
And now we will deduce, near which metro station is the highest concentration of vacant posts for Java developers. Using a regular expression, I filter by the name of the vacancy “Java”, and also select only those vacancies that contain the address:
So, the analytical capabilities of the developed system are truly broad and can be used for planning a startup or opening a new activity.
I note that only the basic functionality of the system is presented so far, further development is planned in the direction of analyzing geographical coordinates and predicting the appearance of vacancies in a particular area of the city.
The full source code for this article can be found at the link to my GitHub .
PS Comments on the article are welcome, I will be glad to answer all your questions and get your opinion. Thank!
One wondered what technologies are the strongest need for the labor market at the moment? Month ago? A year ago?
How often are new job openings by Java developers in a particular area of your city and how actively are they closing?
In this article I will tell you how you can achieve the desired result and build a reporting system on a topic of interest to us. Go!
(Image source)
The choice fell on
Probably many of you are familiar and even used such a resource as . Thousands of new vacancies in various fields are posted daily on this site. Also, HeadHunter has an API that allows the developer to interact with the data of this resource.
Using a simple example, let us consider the construction of the data acquisition process for the reporting system, which is based on the work with the site API. We will use the embedded SQLite DBMS as an intermediate storage of information, we will store the processed data in the MongoDB database in NoSQL, and the main language will be Python version 3.4.
The capabilities of the HeadHunter API are quite extensive and are well described in the official GitHib documentation . First of all, it is the ability to send anonymous requests that do not require authorization to receive information about vacancies in JSON format. Recently, a number of methods became paid (employer's methods), but they will not be considered in this task.
Each vacancy hangs on the site for 30 days, after which, if it is not renewed, it is archived. If the vacancy is archived before the expiration of 30 days, it means that it was closed by the employer.
HeadHunter API (hereinafter - HH API) allows you to receive an array of published vacancies for any date in the last 30 days, which we will use - we will collect published vacancies on a daily basis for each day.
- Connecting SQLite DB
import sqlite3 conn_db = sqlite3.connect('hr.db', timeout=10) c = conn_db.cursor()
- Table for storing changes in the status of a vacancy
For convenience, we will keep a history of changes in the status of a vacancy (availability as of a date) in a special table of SQLite databases. Thanks to the vacancy_history table , we will be aware for any date of uploading the availability of a vacancy on the site, i.e. what dates she was active.c.execute(''' create table if not exists vacancy_history ( id_vacancy integer, date_load text, date_from text, date_to text )''')
- Filtering a sample of vacancies
There is a limitation on the fact that one request cannot return more than 2000 collections, and since many more vacancies can be posted on the site within one day, we can put a filter in the request body, for example: vacancies only in St. Petersburg (area = 2), by IT specialization (specialization = 1)path = ("/vacancies?area=2&specialization=1&page={}&per_page={}&date_from={}&date_to={}".format(page, per_page, date_from, date_to))
- Additional selection conditions
The labor market is actively growing and even taking into account the filter, the number of vacancies may exceed 2000, therefore we set an additional restriction in the form of a separate launch for each day: vacancies for the first half of the day and vacancies for the second half of the daydefget_vacancy_history(): ... count_days = 30 hours = 0while count_days >= 0: while hours < 24: date_from = (cur_date.replace(hour=hours, minute=0, second=0) - td(days=count_days)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') date_to = (cur_date.replace(hour=hours + 11, minute=59, second=59) - td(days=count_days)).strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') while count == per_page: path = ("/vacancies?area=2&specialization=1&page={} &per_page={}&date_from={}&date_to={}" .format(page, per_page, date_from, date_to)) conn.request("GET", path, headers=headers) response = conn.getresponse() vacancies = conn.close() count = len(json.loads(vacancies)['items']) ... # Вставка значений в БДtry: c.executemany('INSERT INTO vacancy_history VALUES (?,?,?,?)', collection_for_ins) except sqlite3.DatabaseError as err: print("Error: ", err) else: conn_db.commit() if collection_for_ins: page = page + 1 total = total + count # обнуление массиваdel(collection_for_ins[:]) hours = hours + 12 count_days = count_days - 1 hours = 0
First use case
Предположим, что перед нами стоит задача определить вакансии, которые были закрыты за определенный интервал времени, например, за июль 2018 года. Это решается следующим образом: результат несложного SQL запроса к таблице vacancy_history возвратит нужные нам данные, которые можно передать в DataFrame для последующего анализа:
Получаем результат такого вида:
Если мы хотим провести анализ средствами Excel или сторонними BI-инструментами, то можно выгрузить таблицу vacancy_history в csv-файл для последующего анализа:
date(a.date_load) as date_last_load,
date(a.date_from) as date_publish,
ifnull(a.date_next, date(a.date_load, '+1 day')) as date_close
from (
min(vh2.date_load) as date_next
from vacancy_history vh1
left join vacancy_history vh2
on vh1.id_vacancy = vh2.id_vacancy
and vh1.date_load < vh2.date_load
where date(vh1.date_load) between :date_in and :date_out
group by
) as a
where a.date_next is null
{"date_in" : date_in, "date_out" : date_out})
date_in = dt.datetime(2018, 7, 1)
date_out = dt.datetime(2018, 7, 31)
closed_vacancies = get_closed_by_period(date_in, date_out)
df = pd.DataFrame(closed_vacancies,
columns = ['id_vacancy', 'date_last_load', 'date_publish', 'date_close'])
Получаем результат такого вида:
id_vacancy | date_last_load | date_publish | date_close | |
0 | 18126697 | 2018-07-09 | 2018-07-09 | 2018-07-10 |
1 | 18155121 | 2018-07-09 | 2018-06-19 | 2018-07-10 |
2 | 18881605 | 2018-07-09 | 2018-07-02 | 2018-07-10 |
3 | 19620783 | 2018-07-09 | 2018-06-27 | 2018-07-10 |
4 | 19696188 | 2018-07-09 | 2018-06-15 | 2018-07-10 |
# Экспорт полной таблицы из БД в CSV
data = c.execute('select * from vacancy_history')
with open('vacancy_history.csv','w', newline='') as out_csv_file:
csv_out = csv.writer(out_csv_file)
csv_out.writerow(d[0] for d in data.description)
Heavy artillery
But what if we need to conduct more complex data analysis? This is where the MongoDB NoSQL document-oriented database comes to the rescue , which allows you to store data in JSON format.
- A demo instance of my MongoDB database is deployed in the mLab cloud service , which allows you to create a database up to 500MB free of charge, which is quite enough to parse the current task. The hr_db database has a collection of Vacancy, to which we establish a connection:
# Подключаем облачную базу Mongofrom pymongo import MongoClient from pymongo import ASCENDING from pymongo import errors client = MongoClient('mongodb://<db_user>:<dbpassword>') db = client.hr_db VacancyMongo = db.Vacancy
- It is worth noting that the wage level is not always indicated in rubles, therefore for the analysis it is necessary to bring all values to the ruble equivalent. To do this, we extort a collection of dictionaries using the HH API, which contains information about the exchange rate for the current date:
# Получение справочникаdefget_dictionaries(): conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") conn.request("GET", "", headers=headers) response = conn.getresponse() if response.status != 200: conn.close() conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") conn.request("GET", "", headers=headers) response = conn.getresponse() dictionaries = dictionaries_json = json.loads(dictionaries) return dictionaries_json
- Filling the currency dictionary with current exchange rates:
hh_dictionary = get_dictionaries() currencies = hh_dictionary['currency'] currency_rates = {} for currency in currencies: currency_rates[currency['code']] = currency['rate']
The above actions for collecting vacancies are launched on a daily basis, so there is no need to look through all the vacancies each time and receive detailed information on each of them. We will take only those that were received in the last five days.
- Getting an array of jobs for the last 5 days from a SQLite database:
defget_list_of_vacancies_sql(): conn_db = sqlite3.connect('hr.db', timeout=10) conn_db.row_factory = lambda cursor, row: row[0] c = conn_db.cursor() items = c.execute(""" select distinct id_vacancy from vacancy_history where date(date_load) >= date('now', '-5 day') """).fetchall() conn_db.close() return items
- Getting an array of jobs for the last five days from MongoDB:
defget_list_of_vacancies_nosql(): date_load = ( - td(days=5)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') vacancies_from_mongo = [] for item in VacancyMongo.find({"date_load" : {"$gte" : date_load}}, {"id" : 1, "_id" : 0}): vacancies_from_mongo.append(int(item['id'])) return vacancies_from_mongo
- It remains to find the difference between the two arrays, for those vacancies that are not in MongoDB, to obtain detailed information and write it to the database:
sql_list = get_list_of_vacancies_sql() mongo_list = get_list_of_vacancies_nosql() vac_for_proс = [] s = set(mongo_list) vac_for_proс = [x for x in sql_list if x notin s] vac_id_chunks = [vac_for_proс[x: x + 500] for x in range(0, len(vac_for_proс), 500)]
- So, we have an array of new vacancies that we don’t have in MongoDB, we’ll get detailed information for each of them using a request in the HH API, and we’ll process each document before we write to MongoDB:
- We give the value of wages to the ruble equivalent;
- Add to each job a graduation specialist level (Junior / Middle / Senior etc)
All this is implemented in the vacancies_processing function:from nltk.stem.snowball import SnowballStemmer stemmer = SnowballStemmer("russian") defvacancies_processing(vacancies_list): cur_date ='%Y-%m-%d') for vacancy_id in vacancies_list: conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") conn.request("GET", "/vacancies/{}".format(vacancy_id), headers=headers) response = conn.getresponse() if response.status != 404: vacancy_txt = conn.close() vacancy = json.loads(vacancy_txt) # salary salary = Noneif'salary'in vacancy: if vacancy['salary'] != None: ... max_salary = 500000if salary isnotNone: salary = int(salary) if salary >= max_salary: salary = max_salary # grade grade = Noneif'name'in vacancy: p_grade = '' title = re.sub(u'[^a-zа-я]+', ' ', vacancy['name'].lower(), re.UNICODE) words = re.split(r'\s{1,}', title.strip()) for title_word in words: title_word = stemmer.stem(title_word) if len(title_word.strip()) > 1: p_grade = p_grade + " " + title_word.strip() if'(главн)|(princip)', p_grade): grade = 'principal'elif'(ведущ)|(senior)|([f|F]ull)', p_grade): grade = 'senior' ... else: grade = 'not specify' vacancy['salary_processed'] = salary vacancy['date_load'] = cur_date vacancy['grade'] = grade vacancy.pop('branded_description', None) try: post_id = VacancyMongo.insert_one(vacancy) except errors.DuplicateKeyError: print ('Cant insert the duplicate vacancy_id:', vacancy['id'])
- Obtaining detailed information by referring to the HH API, the preprocessing of the received
data and their insertion into MongoDB will be carried out in several streams, with 500 vacancies each:t_num = 1 threads = [] for vac_id_chunk in vac_id_chunks: print('starting', t_num) t_num = t_num + 1 t = threading.Thread(target=vacancies_processing, kwargs={'vacancies_list': vac_id_chunk}) threads.append(t) t.start() for t in threads: t.join()
The completed collection in MongoDB looks something like this:
Some more examples
Having a collected database, we can perform various analytical sampling. So, I’ll bring out the Top 10 most paid jobs for Python developers in St. Petersburg:
cursor_mongo = VacancyMongo.find({"name" : {"$regex" : ".*[pP]ython*"}})
df_mongo = pd.DataFrame(list(cursor_mongo))
del df_mongo['_id']
pd.concat([df_mongo.drop(['employer'], axis=1),
df_mongo['employer'].apply(pd.Series)['name']], axis=1)[['grade',
Top 10 Python Top Payers
grade | name | name | salary_processed |
senior | Web Team Lead / Архитектор (Python/Django/React) | Investex Ltd | 293901.0 |
senior | Senior Python разработчик в Черногорию | Betmaster | 277141.0 |
senior | Senior Python разработчик в Черногорию | Betmaster | 275289.0 |
middle | Back-End Web Developer (Python) | Soshace | 250000.0 |
middle | Back-End Web Developer (Python) | Soshace | 250000.0 |
senior | Lead Python Engineer for a Swiss Startup | Assaia International AG | 250000.0 |
middle | Back-End Web Developer (Python) | Soshace | 250000.0 |
middle | Back-End Web Developer (Python) | Soshace | 250000.0 |
senior | Python teamlead | DigitalHR | 230000.0 |
senior | Ведущий разработчик (Python, PHP, Javascript) | IK GROUP | 220231.0 |
And now we will deduce, near which metro station is the highest concentration of vacant posts for Java developers. Using a regular expression, I filter by the name of the vacancy “Java”, and also select only those vacancies that contain the address:
cursor_mongo = VacancyMongo.find({"name" : {"$regex" : ".*[jJ]ava[^sS]"}, "address" : {"$ne" : None}})
df_mongo = pd.DataFrame(list(cursor_mongo))
df_mongo['metro'] = df_mongo.apply(lambda x: x['address']['metro']['station_name']
if x['address']['metro'] isnotNoneelseNone, axis = 1)
df_mongo.groupby('metro')['_id'] \
.count() \
.reset_index(name='count') \
.sort_values(['count'], ascending=False) \
Jobs Java-developers for metro stations
metro | count |
Василеостровская | 87 |
Петроградская | 68 |
Выборгская | 46 |
Площадь Ленина | 45 |
Горьковская | 45 |
Чкаловская | 43 |
Нарвская | 32 |
Площадь Восстания | 29 |
Старая Деревня | 29 |
Елизаровская | 27 |
So, the analytical capabilities of the developed system are truly broad and can be used for planning a startup or opening a new activity.
I note that only the basic functionality of the system is presented so far, further development is planned in the direction of analyzing geographical coordinates and predicting the appearance of vacancies in a particular area of the city.
The full source code for this article can be found at the link to my GitHub .
PS Comments on the article are welcome, I will be glad to answer all your questions and get your opinion. Thank!