Managing a robot arm with leap motion

    Last year, I put together a roboruk , wrote a “driver” for linux for it, and taught me how to hold different objects. And somehow I forgot about her. But yesterday they delivered leap motion to me and came up with a new idea - to learn how to control a robot arm using the movements of its hands.

    What you need to manage

    Roboruki have:
    • base - can rotate clockwise and counterclockwise;
    • shoulder - move up and down;
    • elbow - move up and down;
    • wrist - move up and down;
    • claws - open and close.

    For all this, the “driver” provides a simple api:
    from roboarm import Arm
    arm = Arm()

    First implementation

    Leap motion can detect hands , fingers and their direction.
    Therefore, I decided to attach movements to the fingers:
    Part of RoborukiMy handNumber of fingersAxis
    BaseRight4 or 5X
    ShoulderLeft4 or 5Y
    CubitRight2 or 3Y
    ClawsLeft2 or 3X
    Nothing came of it. Leap motion correctly determined when there were 1-2 fingers on the hand, but when more - a random value from 1 to 5.

    Second implementation

    Leap motion gives the coordinates of the hands in certain boundaries, I have about -200 to 200 in X and from 0 to 400 in Y. I divided this area into ten equal parts and attached actions to them:
    ClockworkShoulder upElbow upWrist upOpen claws
    Anti-clockwork baseShoulder downElbow downWrist downClose claws
    This implementation turned out to be working =)

    What happened

    Video with the result, where the robot is trying to raise the box:

    Video where hand movements are better seen:


    Roboruk owi robotic arm.
    Leap motion.
    The source code of the implementation.

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