Wireless Tech Field Day 6 - video

    Recently, another Wireless Tech Field Day was held. featuring AirTight, Aruba, CloudPath, Extreme, Xirrus. Guests also have Disaster Tech Labs and Plan Ceibal. Videos are already available. Interesting is the Xirrus video about how their flying saucers actually work, and why you can believe in them.
    The event, although technical, but marketing. So you need to filter applications in places. I wanted to post a post with an analysis of all the videos, but it seems that I will only watch them in a month. So for now, I invite everyone interested in the discussion in the comments.

    Youtube: www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLinuRwpnsHadRJ8BFyIGAEe7FjobbuKrf&feature=view_all
    Vimeo: vimeo.com/album/2709105

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