Integrating "My Circle" and "Huntflow"

    As soon as you post a vacancy on My Circle and receive at least a few dozen responses to it, you are immediately faced with the problem of managing the flow of candidates.

    They need to quickly get in touch and get acquainted, until they find another employer, they need to send a test task and evaluate the decision in time, they need to be invited for interviews and get feedback from colleagues whose team they will go to, finally they need to make offers about work or write waivers. All this requires good planning and logistics.

    The situation is even more complicated if you regularly close new vacancies in your company, and even more so if the closing of vacancies is put on you.

    In each company, the problem of managing the flow of candidates is solved in its own way. Some prefer to use Excel-tables, while others connect specialized CRM for recruitment.

    We are pleased to announce that professional CRM for recruiting “Huntflow” has become the first such system, with the help of which you can collect feedback on vacancies from “My circle” and further manage the flow of candidates in a convenient and specially designed system.

    How to start using "Huntflou" in conjunction with "My Circle"

    1. Sign up for Huntflow and My Circle
    2. On "My Circle" to become the curator of your company
    3. Link the “My Circle” account to “Huntflow”
    4. Place a vacancy on “My Circle” through “Huntflou”

    After that, as soon as the applicant responds to the vacancy on My Circle, his resume is automatically uploaded to Huntflou, and you can start working with the candidate by leading him through the funnel: from sending a letter with a test task through an interview and so on until the candidate’s exit to work and passing them a probationary period.

    By the way, you can create your own for each specific vacancy, if you wish, on the funnel selection stages for candidates at Huntflou.

    Similarly, Huntflow is integrated with other working sites, such as: SuperJob, HeadHunter, LinkedIn. So if you use them too, you can manage responses from different sources in one place.

    IPA "My Circle" for integrations

    Working on integration with Huntflou, we finalized our public API, which currently includes the following methods:

    • Getting information about the current user
    • Getting information about user vacancies
    • Getting a list of user companies
    • Receive job postings
    • Getting user information
    • Getting a list of skills
    • Getting a list of areas of activity
    • Getting a list of cities
    • Job creation
    • Job update
    • Job Placement
    • Hiding jobs in drafts

    Detailed instructions on the IPA "My Circle . " We will be happy to integrate with other recruiting CRM, write to us at (=

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